Meeting Manien + Angy Waffle

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  "Mister Manien here said he would be delighted to help us on our quest!"
Yuuki said with excitement.

"Indeed, from what I've heard is that this... Tiny... Thing-...."
The waffle became a little bit annoyed at being called a tiny thing.
"-Has been changed into a waffle and needs help finding some kind of item to change him back?"

Shawn nodded. "That's what I've gotten out of it..."
The waffle sighed.
"Can we please get moving?!? The sooner we gooo... The faster that I.. Can be normal again!!!"

Everyone stood in silence. Yuuki walked over to the small waffle and looked at him. "Mister Demize sir we are trying... I know you wanna be human again.... Please do calm and consider not being sad-"
The waffle slumped over and just sighed, grumbling a little as he did.

Manien whispered to the slime next to him. "Is he always this angry?"
Shawn shrugged. "I don't know... I assume yeah as he tried to kill me a while ago when we met-"
"I like this waffle man-"
Manien said with a bit of a chuckle.

Yuuki grabbed her satchel and set the waffle into it. Your staying there and keeping silent Mister Demize until you learn to stop being angy-"
The waffle just continued to grumble.

"Will he ever stop being angry?" Shawn asked questionably.
"I mean i don't really blame him... I'd be angry too if i got turned into a delicious breakfast item-"
"I CAN STILL HEAR YOU YA KNOW" The angry waffle voice said from the satchel. Yuuki bonked her satchel. "Shoosh..."


"WOAH! That's amazing the amount of quests you've been on Mister Manien!" Yuuki said amazed.

"How are you not dead after almost being burned alive and eaten the last time?!" Shawn asked curiously.

"Luck i guess? That and i happen to be VEEEERY Smart!!!! So i just used my brain to figure out how to get out of the situation! Just a few scratches and burns left behind-" Manien said proudly, a little too proudly for the once god's liking.
"If I were my true self you wouldn't have a chance to run from me.." Demize said under his breath to himself.

Yuuki noticed his mumbling. "What was that Demize-Sir?" She asked curiously.

He said hoping they didn't fully hear it.
Yuuki just shrugged and turned her attention back to Manien.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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