History Class - Luke Patterson (jatp)

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Amanda thought she was invisible. No one at school ever noticed her. But she was okay with that. She liked going unnoticed. That ment that she could keep this band that she found all to herself.

Sunset curve was her favorite. They weren't a big band. They were just four teenage boys. But she loved them none the less. And lucky for Amanda they went to the same school as her. They were even in some of her classes. Luke was in her math and history classes, and Alex was in her English class.

    Every six weeks her history teacher let them move seats. At the third switch of the school year Amanda got into a fight with her friends. The four of them couldn't decide where to sit. They were trying to figure out  who was going to sit next to who. After they finally decided, there weren't enough seats to sit together. One of them had to go sit away from the group and as always it was Amanda. So she went to the only seat that was open. And it just so happened that is was at the end of the long table right next to her favorite sunset curve member, Luke Patterson.

"Sorry, is it okay if I sit here?" Amanda asked.

     He looked up at her from his seat and smiled, "why would I say no?" She laughed and sat down.

     She couldn't believe she was sitting next to Luke Patterson. He was her favorite member of sunset curve so she had to be cool. Don't freak out she thought.

"I really like your music, by the way" she said. As soon as she realized what she said she mentally face palmed. She couldn't believe she had just said that.

"No way, really," Luke said excitedly, "that is so cool! What's your favorite song?"

She thought for a moment, "hmm, I think crooked teeth, that's about Reggie right?" The two laughed. He's probably just being nice, she thought.

" okay class," the teacher said, "let's get back to work" and the rest of the class went as normal. Amanda took very detailed notes while Luke pretended to take notes and just instead just played tic tac toe with himself.

They talked every morning before history. They would talk about almost everything, but every time Amanda would think to herself, he doesn't really like you, he's just being nice.

One day he asked, "hey, um, do you want to come to one of the bands rehearsals?" She didn't know what to say.

"Um, yeah, sure!" She said excitedly. Luke had a smile on his face, "how about today, after school" he said. She thought for a moment. "Yeah, that works" she answered, "see you then"

Luke had waited after school school that day. He drove her to the garage that they would practice at. He introduced her to the rest of the band. She was over the moon. A few months ago she would have never guessed that she would be here with her favorite band and friends with them.

After their practice they had all left but Luke and Amanda tried to leave as slow as humanly possible so they didn't have to leave each other.

Suddenly Luke stops talking and just looks at Amanda. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing." He answered.

"Why'd you stop then?" She asked

He waited a moment before answering, " well, because I like you a lot." He finally said.

The two got closer.

"Are you sure?" Amanda asked.

They got even closer, they were so close that they could feel each others breath.

"One hundred percent." He said. he closed the gap between the two, interlocking their lips together. Amanda was screaming inside.

Releasing from the kiss, luke asked, " do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Yes of course!" Amanda said. Soon after the two left the garage and luke drove his girlfriend back home.

The couple tried to keep their relationship a secret for a while. Well not a secret, they just didn't tell anyone. But Amanda started to sit with the band more and sit next to Luke most of the time.

A few weeks later it was time to switch seats again in history, so the two devised a plan to sit next to each other again. Since they had to move at least three seats , they would move to the back of the classroom, this was perfect because there were four rows of seats and they were in the front.

When the day arrived, Amanda's old friends came up to her, " hey, where do you want to sit?" One of them asked.

"Oh sorry, I'm actually sitting with Luke." She replied. Her friend seamed a little upset, "you met him six weeks ago, he's not your friend."

"I don't think you know anything about him." She said. Her old friends just walked away. They never talked to her again. Good, she thought, they weren't good friends anyway.

Her and Luke sit down together and the class starts. Amanda was so happy. She had an amazing boyfriend and some amazing new friends.

As Luke and Amanda were walking after class one day she says, " I think we should officially tell the boys that we are dating."

"Why?" Luke asks. She replies, " I just feel bad for not telling them and I want them to be the first to know." Luke takes a minute to think, "okay, let's tell them"

So they did just that. As it turns out Alex and Bobby had figured the two were dating but Reggie was oblivious as always and just though they were good friends.

After that Luke and Amanda did everything together. They went places together, watched movies together and even wrote sunset curve songs together. They also told each other everything. From every detail of their lives to what they heard other people say in class.

Amanda was the first person to know that the boys were playing the orpheum. She was sat right at the front for sound check. She was there having a street dog with them. And she was there in the afterlife with them.

Amanda and Luke were inseparable. Even though Julie had a crush on ghost Luke, Amanda knew that Luke was hers and Luke knew Amanda was his.

All because Amanda got the last open seat in history class.

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