Jonathon samuel kent

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Johnathon Samuel Kent has been described as a lot of things, (crazy,stubborn,tenacious, creative, friendly,etc.) the list goes on. Johnathon isn't your average 15 year old boy, he's anything but. Johnathon is 5'10, ebony black hair, sapphire blue eyes, bulky and has soft facial features that make you want to melt. He's a happy, kind boy and he's a textbook people pleaser, where he gets this trait is unbeknownst to anyone as his parents are anything but.

Johnathon woke up begrudgingly as it was a Monday, not just any Monday but the first day of school, was he ready? Yes. This may come as a surprise to everyone but Johnathon liked school, people liked him, he was a quarterback for the school's football team, you'd assume he was fairly popular however you'd assume wrong he only really had his girlfriend. People weren't aware of his families financial situation... how he got into a prestigious school (the most prestigious school in the city) and managed to stay there with his current finances or lack there of, was simple he got a full scholarship, for his athletic abilities. Unfortunately for him that means he's not very bright and he barely keeps up in class so that's something he's not looking forward to. Anyway we're getting off track. Johnathon wakes up in his small room whilst his alarm blared at him, annoying him into getting up, and so he does he awakens stretching his bare arms and yawning, he likes to sleep shirtless and anyone lucky enough to wake up next to him would definitely appreciate it, he's got a solid 6 pack supporting his broad body making him even more appealing to others, including but not limited to, his girlfriend, Lucy.

Johnathon makes his way down the wooden stairs, running his hand against the railing as he walks. He notices his dad, Clark, unconscious on the couch with a bottle of scotch in hand, as per usual. As he reached the bottom of the stairs he looks at a picture frame, holding a picture of his mother, she was smiling genuine joy on her features, brown eyes with lingering hope, she inspired people to be better, and now she's gone. A car crash took her from him, he's never been the same since. His father turned to alcoholism after her death in hopes to find comfort at the bottom of each bottle but he never does instead Jon is left pitying the shell of a man whom he used to care for.

He makes his way to the kitchen and decided to make some breakfast before he prepares for school not quite sure on what to make, he doesn't have a lot of choices due to the lack of income his dad provides. So he decided on plain buttered toast, after he finished eating he goes back up to his room and gets his school uniform on and gets ready not bothering to brush his thick hair and rather leaving it messy he grabs his backpack and heads downstairs to leave for school, but notices his father is awake, "this'll be fun." he thinks sarcastically. His father makes his way over to him and looks him up and down, disgust in his eye and the tension lingering in the air between them. Worry, flooding Johnathon.

"Where are you going,Jon." Clark asks, hatred clear in his tone, he never loved Jon not ever since his mother, Lois died, he believes it's because he reminds him of his mother too much, a constant reminder of what he lost, of what she cared for more than him. "To school, it's the first day of the year." Jon says, trembling with fear. His eyes reflecting terror. "You're so pathetic, going to that fancy school pretending like you belong there,You're a disgrace." Clark says looking Jon dead in the eyes waiting for his reaction to his cruel words but instead he stays silent not knowing how to respond, nothing but pain in his eyes. All of a sudden Jon gets stricken, slapped right across the face, he hastily puts his hand where he feels the stinging, he was somehow surprised even after all this time, it's been years since it started why he still was shocked every time not even he knows. "Answer me when I'm fucking speaking to you!" Clark snarls aggressively. "Yes sir, I'm sorry." Jon whimpers, still in pain. "Get the fuck out, I can't stand looking at you any longer" his dad said disgusted, and with that he was gone, tears in his eyes but he didn't let that stop him, he kept walking as the tears streamed down his face.

Jon made his way to school it was a 20 minute walk from where he lived to his school, thankfully he calmed down by the time he arrived and wasn't a crying mess in front of his peers. He still had 20 minutes before school started so he decided he'd try to find his girlfriend Lucy, she normally hangs out in the cafeteria so that's where he decided to head, and as he's making his way there he accidentally walks into the back of someone, he swiftly apologises and as they turn around he notices a familiar face. It was Alex, he was 15 and also on the football team he stood at 6'0, brown hair,brown eyes and a distinguished jaw bone. Alex was quite fit and bulky. I'm "sorr- Alex it's you? Sorry I didn't see you there." Jon said not completely sorry he bumped into him as Jon never really liked Alex he thought he was too much of a dick. "watch where you're going, Jon." He said rolling his eyes annoyed by the event. Jon simply ignored him and continued his journey to the cafeteria.

Jon made his way into the cafeteria and was hit by the strong sound of teenagers chatting amongst themselves, he scans the room quickly and finds Lucy sitting with her friend, jon quickly makes his way over to them and greets his girlfriend with a sweet kiss on the cheek"hey baby, good morning!" Jon says excitedly Lucy looks to him in a contemplating way, Jon can't quite tell why until she says "we need to break up." You can see the colour drain from his face, thoughts rushing through his head like "why? What did I do? Did I do something wrong? This can't be happening. Why is this happening!?" And whilst this is happening Jon is just staring at her in shock until he blurts out "huh?" Dumbly, she simply rolls her eyes in response, as if his mere precense annoys her. " I said we need to break up, Johnathon" annoyance seeking through her voice. "I.I. I don't understand what I did wrong" his voice breaking, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "I don't love you Johnathon, I never did,and this is over." She says gesturing between the two of them. Jon felt a pain in his chest, tears in his eyes and suddenly he felt like the room was spinning. "Fine." He says emotionally , he hurries out of the room, desperately trying to find a bathroom as he knows he's going to vomit.

Jon exits the bathroom after emptying his insides, he felt disgusting and he looked like shit, and he felt worse. "You're pathetic." He hears a voice say, he turns around to find who said it but nobody was there and then he realises that it's in his head. "Oh I'm just insane." he says out loud to himself. "You're a loser, all alone. you have no friends, you're girlfriend never loved you, you're just a little disgusting loser!" And then it hits Jon, the voice is right he is alone.
Jon stood outside in front of the bathroom kids fumbling around him as school was to start in 5 minutes, how long had he been standing there? It felt like seconds but in reality it was 7 minutes. For 7 minutes Jon stood outside that bathroom door as his world come crashing down, he's realised he has no one, it was only when a younger kid bumped into him, not watching where he was going while he talked to his friend excitedly did he then regain consciousness, the kid apologised quickly before continuing what he was talking about but Jon was able to make out a small part of the conversation on their way past "it's true! Bruce Wayne's kid is coming to our school I heard someone talking about it." The kid that bumped into him said "no way bro he's like a bagillionair, why would he come here?" His friend hastily replied not believing his shorter friend "I don't know but this is the most prestigious school in the city! where else would he go?" He defends. That's the last thing Jon can hear from the conversation "Bruce Wayne's kid is coming here? Cool! I've always wanted to meet a Wayne, I wonder what he's lik-" his thoughts are cut short due to the bell ringing, signalling to the kids that first period has started.

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