Chapter 2: Midnight Surprise

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America has finally finished setting up his / her room. When he/she looked at the clock he has just installed in his/ her bedroom it was 8:03 p.m.

America POV:


I could go to sleep! But before I did I heard chatter coming from the next door house.

- I used Google Translate so sorry if it's not correct-

"Украина, Беларусь, залезайте внутрь, папа с ума сойдет! (Ukraine, Belarus, get inside papa would be mad!)"

"Да неужели? (Oh, really?)"

Are they even talking or is that gibberish? (No offense to Russians plz)

As I stared out the window, being fascinated by the 'argument' between them two, the boy with the Ushanka saw me and immediately his eyes went wide like they were gonna come out of his eye sockets. As soon as I realized, I quickly ducked down making sure he didn't see me.

But I guess I was to late.

Third Person POV:

When America looked out the window to see if he was there, nobody was seen.

America felt a bit of relief but suddenly...

"Hey , you!"

America turned around to see a tall figure, Ushanka, and white,red, and blue stripes.

"Who arrre you?"

"Oh me uh, I um, I-I'm America.."

" The names Russia." Russia gave America a handshake since America's hands were out.

"T-that's , a nice name.."

"Thanks." Russia said. "Your new in this town aren't you? .. Well, good luck surviving High School."

America nodded awkwardly and just like that Russia was gone.

America POV:

So I guess that's one of his ability's huh...

Lucky guy..

Well, let's just pretend that never happened and let's just focus on sleep. I jumped in my brand new bed ,  face  in the pillows, and immediately
a thought came to my mind.

'What if they don't accept me tomorrow..?'

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