Chapter 3: Torture Begins

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America reached for his/her alarm clock but missed barely. And at last, he/she finally got the annoying alarm clock to stop.

America looked at the time and it was 6:48 a.m. He/she realized that today was the first day of ... high school.

America POV:


The best day ever. Isn't it?

I got off my bed and took out my black NATO shirts with ripped jeans. I Always thought that combo looked amazing together.

After I got dressed up, I almost forgot to put on my black sunglasses.

Once I did that, I reached for the door knob and opened the door, than rushed downstairs.

Third Person POV:

Once America arrived in the kitchen to prepare his/her breakfast, Canada was already there with his usual pancakes with maple syrup.

"Canada .. don't you think you should stop eating that? I mean .. who knows if it'll affect your health." Said the concerned but tired American.

"Dude, I've been eating this since like .. last year so I'm still alive right?"


America gave Canada the 'your not okay'  face and opened the kitchen cabinet and grabbed a plate to prepare his/her breakfast.


The school bus arrived about 5 minutes late.

As America, Canada, and the rest of his/her siblings came rushing into the bus to 'conserve' time .. almost every single Country on board gave them a nasty look.

"Where did you pieces of junk come from?" said one county with 4 stars , 1 big, and a red background.

As America and the rest sat down, all the could do was to avoid eyesight with anyone.

America had finally arrived at high school, to be honest, it didn't look so bad.

America POV:

As I walked into the school, I would spot some Country's playing around with their ability.

And than , a familiar country walked pass me.

It was the guy I met yesterday, who told me 'Good luck surviving High School' . What was his name? Oh yea! It was .. Russia!

Russia, instead of saying Hi to me, he went to his locker. Seemed like he didn't notice me to or he choose to pretend I never existed.

As I started searching for my locker, I overheard s country's conversation.


"If he wasn't so scary, I'd probably date him!"

"As if! He's too hot and your an ugly Country."

"Oh , shut up!"

Third Person POV:

America started as the country's continued on with their conversation when suddenly he/ she was shoved to the ground, really aggressively.

"You think you belong here?" Said the country that shoved him.

America stared at the floor  , his/her invisible nose all bloody.

"Answer my question."

America felt all eyes on him/her, like lasers burning his/her back.

America weakly stood up to see a country with blue, white stripes, and a red triangle with a white star.

"Cuba .. cut it out."

Cuba turned around and simply said, while facing the ground, "Yes, Mr. UN.."

As America watched Cuba leave, America felt his/her body give up. Everything started going blurry, and suddenly things went pitch black.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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