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Taehyun is now sitting on the bed pouting alone cause a few minutes ago Soobin suddenly announced he is going to the bathroom and hadn't returned yet. He looked at the watch on the wall to see five minutes until midnight and most importantly their anniversary. He didn't want to spend the first minutes of his fourth anniversary without his boyfriend, who is chilling in the bathroom. He pouted at that thought even more. He was so in his thoughts and didn't notice that it was already midnight.

"Happy Anniversary, my cute baby fuffy squirrel!!", Soobin suddenly busted the door open. He had caramel coffee in his right hand and a strawberry latte in his left hand. He placed both coffees on the coffee table near a bed and sit on the bed to kiss Taehyun. Taehyun was still frozen and didn't even kiss back when Soobin kissed him. "You remembered?", the younger asked Soobin with a surprised expression. "Of course, I remember! Why wouldn't I? We are here for our anniversary, aren't we?", Soobin asked back to the younger feeling a little bit offended.

"No, I mean, you were taking too much time in the bathroom, so I just thought you wanted to celebrate our anniversary in the bathroom without your boyfriend, " Taehyun said shrugging his shoulders. "Hey! I was getting drinks for us from the café nearby, and for your information, it only takes five minutes and I am on time. Not even a second earlier or second late, just in time.", Soobin finishes his explanation with a proud look.

"Ohh, my baby is so considerate. I love you so much." the younger baby talks with Soobin to avoid his scolding. "Now let's cut the cake- wait where's the cake?" he asked confused. "Ohh about that I have to lose weight for an upcoming project, that's why I can't eat cake." Soobin signed. "Don't worry it's not a heavy diet or anything, I just have to eat healthy food. I didn't tell you because first, Yeonjun Hyung told me about it two days ago, and second I don't want you to force yourself again to diet." He explained that because he knows Taehyun will again go to diet with him.

Taehyun signed holding his hand, "I never force myself to diet with you I just don't want you to eat those bitter veggies while I will be eating tasty dishes and it is also healthy for me. So it's a win-win situation." Younger smiled at him lovingly before kissing his forehead. "We should ignore it, for now, we have an anniversary to celebrate. We always go off-topic."

Younger suddenly got up from bed and go to his backpack to get some papers. Soobin was looking at him while frowning. "Happy anniversary babe but now give me my gift," Younger said as he sit on the bed and kissed him. Soobin was the first one to pull back from the kiss to cuddle his small lover. "Ohh, my gift was going to arrive today at home but since you plan this vacation suddenly, I had asked Yeonjun Hyung to get it. So you will be getting it when we go back to Seoul. For now, I only have coffee to offer." Soobin gets both coffees from a coffee table beside their bed. He handed caramel to Taehyun. "For you, my majesty." He said while giving it with both hands to make it more dramatic. Younger just chuckled at his antics and take a sip from his drink.

"Now tell me what are those papers for, are you buying some property for me?" Older joked. Younger beamed handling those papers to him. "You know you don't have to buy me anything, you already planned this vacation for us." Taehyun just ignored him and ask him to open it. He was nervous even though he know Soobin will love it. When Soobin opened it he had many reactions in just spam of thirty seconds, curiosity, confusion, surprise, and finally there it is what he wanted most. That smile.

"Oh my god Taehyun, you adopted a cat. Aww, it looks cute.", older was beaming with happiness. Taehyun signed in relief, Soobin liked his gift. "It still needs your signature to get fully adopted." Soobin looked at him somewhat surprised, "You wanted to adopt a cat with me?"

Now is the time Taehyun thought to himself. He straightens his back and sits straight. Soobin looked at him confused not knowing what younger had in his head. He takes the older's hand in his own, "Don't talk only listen to what I am going to say, okay?" He takes a deep breath and felt older squeezing his hand in encouragement. "We had talked about this many times, about how we want to get married and start our own family. And I want it to finally happen. I  want to call you my husband, someone with whom I am going to spend my whole life. As you had said we will get a cat as our child and then we will get married after that we will buy a beautiful house with a backyard which has a big pool to spend our weekend and we can even invite guys for a barbeque party there. I think we are ready for all of this. So I thought adopting a cat is the first step in life we dream of together. You know, you can also say no if you think we still need time for this, no pressure." Younger paused, his eyes were shining with unshed tears. "So, will you marry me?"

Soobin was beside him smiling from ear to ear. He pulled younger in a deep yet gentle kiss, "Yes, I will marry you, my prince." He nuzzled his face in the younger's neck causing him to giggle. "Okay, okay my dear peasant, now let me drink my coffee. Because of you, it is cold now." Older looked at him in disbelief, "Wow, it is not even one minute being fiancé and here I am getting ill-treatment. God, I want a divorce without even getting married." Younger laughed at him and slapped him on his arm. Even after getting slapped by his boyfriend-opps a fiancé who goes to a regular gym, Choi Soobin is still smiling while looking at younger.

"Now show me our cats' pictures," Soobin asked Taehyun who was now playing with his hair. He shouldn't have gotten them coffee at 12'o clock, now here they are wide awake when the world around them is sleeping. "Let me show you how cute our baby is,... TADDA!!" Soobin was literally squealing about how cute their cat is. He had already signed papers now they just had to submit them and the cat will be theirs. They couldn't wait to take their white brown munchkin cat home.

"Hyung I don't think we can sleep now, can you read me the remaining chapters of 'Love hypothesis'." Soobin look at the younger for a few seconds and then started leaning close to him. "Don't you think instead of reading we should be doing something else.", he said with a slight smirk on his handsome face making him look even more attractive. Younger put his hands around his lover's neck pulling his face close to his own, "I don't think I have any idea what you are talking about." "Ohh do you want me to show, huh?" Older started tickling Taehyun who was trying to stop him. "AH-HAHAHAHA stop-stop hahaha AH-HAHAHA STOP." Younger was laughing loudly while trying to free himself from his fiancé's tickles. After a few minutes, they stopped playing around and just stared at each other with loving gazes in comfortable silence. Soobin lean in and kissed Taehyun who immediately started kissing back. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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