Chapter 1: From Afterlife To The Wonderful World!

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Hello and welcome to this book! I do hope you enjoy, so don't let me keep you. If you've read my other stories, you'll realize that this first chapter is an absolute unit compared to my other works. 

I will give a WARNING though; some parts of this book may end up being a bit on the heavy side. You'll see what I mean with the oc's death, so please be advised! 

"Somani Chikabaru, Kazuma Sato, unfortunately both of you have died. Welcome to the afterlife."

Somani barely registered the words, as he was looking around at the black void he now found himself in.

He was sitting in a chair, oddly throne like. Not very comfortable though. Next to him was a boy in a green and black tracksuit, ruffled brown hair and green eyes shining with confusion. He was also sitting in a chair, practically identical to his.

"As of right now, I am here to present the two of you choices on where you want to go."

Somani looked ahead to find a woman with a penchant for blue. Blue hair, blue eyes, blue dress. Oddly color themed, besides the floating pink scarf around her.

She was sitting with her legs crossed, hands resting neatly in her lap. Her body language seemed to scream poised and proper.

"Well, just one question. If I'm dead, what about the girl I pushed aside?"

The royal atmosphere surrounding the blue lady quickly started to dissipate, as the supposed Kazuma leaned forward in anticipation.

"She's alive."

"Oh, thank goodness, my death wasn't in vain."

"Actually, had you not intervened, she still would have survived."


Kazuma went from relaxed and grateful looking, to have the expression one would have if they found a Skittle in a bowl of M&M's.

"That tractor was going to stop before it hit her."

"Wait, tractor?!"

"Yes, a tractor."

"So I got plowed over by a tractor?

The person in front of us started snickering, before holding a hand up to cover her mouth. Kazuma didn't seem to notice, but now I was curious. Why would she be laughing?

"Wrong again, Kazuma. You had a heart attack and fell over."

Wait what?

"Huh? What do you mean?!"

The lady in blue started busting a gut laughing, holding her stomach and rolling in her throne,  the pink scarf that flowed about her shoulders moving along with her. Despite her shrieking laughter, there were two things on my mind. The first, is how did I die? The last thing I remember was working out at the gym near my house. The second thing, was how looking at a tractor could give a heart attack.

Sure, given an adrenaline rush, people might mistake something for another. But a slow-moving tractor and a speeding truck? Just how on earth do you get that mixed up?

"You were so scared that you actually wet yourself! You were rushed to the nearest hospital, where the doctors couldn't contain their laughter!" The other boy, Kazuma if I remember correctly, was holding his hands over his ears. "STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT!!! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR THIS!"

The woman suddenly got really close to Kazuma, who recoiled back into his chair. "Your family actually just arrived, and even they are laughing at how absurd your death was!" The boy actually snarled, baring his teeth before he shoved the woman back a bit. "Ok, if my death was apparently funny to you, how did he die, huh?!" He stuck out a finger in my direction.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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