Necrozmic Disciples

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CODENAME: UB-50 'Disciple'
CATEGORY: Prism Shard Pokemon
TYPE: Psychic/Dragon
ABILITY: Clear Body [1], Trace [2],
Telepathy [H]
HEIGHT: 150 - 210cm (avg.)
WEIGHT: 10 - 30kg (avg.)


Discovered only in the last decade by Aether Foundation scientists, Necrozmic Disciples are one of the newest Extradimensional Pokemon to be named and categorized. Despite extensive research which includes necropsies, vivisections, and wormhole habitat studies, much is still unknown about the creatures and their origins. Based on what has been uncovered so far, it appears Disciples have forms that are capable of adapting to their environment, meaning every individual is likely to be different from the next. Whether these are true Form Changes, Regional Variants, or outright different Evolutions is still unknown and continue to be classed as instances of UB-50.

UB-50's UB number was derived from the age of Aether President Lusamine's missing husband as a means of honoring his memory. The assigned codeword, disciple, stems from the belief that these Pokemon are vassals to the Blinding One of ancient history. According to the information provided by the Ultra Recon Squad, these creatures once served Necrozma as mindless drones, seeking out Light* for Necrozma to feed off of. Whether or not UB-50 can be categorised as a 'true' Ultra Beast is still debated due to their lack of the UB signature ability, Beast Boost.

As most Disciples documented so far are individuals with varying adaptations, only an average stat reading is given. So far it isn't known if these form changes affect typing. The 'original form' stats are also estimates based on current knowledge of the Pokemon.

HP: 70
ATK: 125
SP. ATK: 125
DEF: 40
SP. DEF: 40
SPD: 100
TOTAL: 400

HP: 100
ATK: 130
SP. ATK: 100
DEF: 70
SP. DEF: 40
SPD: 130
TOTAL: 570

Moves utilised by the Necrozmic Disciples can vary slightly depending on the traits picked up by the individual Pokemon, but the most commonly used moves known so far are listed below. Please note that Disciples over the level of 56 have yet to be studied due to poor lifespans in captivity.

1 Confusion
1 Tackle
1 Protect
1 Teleport
8 Slash
10 Dragon Tail
13 Metal Claw
19 Iron Defense
24 Agility
36 Dazzling Gleam
42 Wing Attack
56 Pain Split

TM01 Work Up
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM33 Reflect
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM44 Rest
TM53 Energy Ball
TM62 Acrobatics
TM67 Smart Strike
TM76 Fly
TM82 Dragon Tail
TM89 U-Turn
TM96 Nature Power
TM99 Dazzling Gleam

There is no available data for tutor-exclusive moves.

Necrozmic Disciples are creatures composed of pure energy, much like the legendary Blinding One. Unlike Necrozma, however, the Disciples are not armored and are far smaller - most individuals documented have been near human-sized and rarely go above or below those measurements. In their most basic form - which has yet to be observed in the wild - it is theorised that Disciples are yellowish in colour, glowing brightly like Necrozma. DNA analysis reveals the possibility of a rare 'shining' mutation, which likely is a muted silver colouration.

Despite being classified as Pokemon, Disciples seem to share more physical traits with humanoids. They usually stand upright, have clear human-like limb arrangements, and posess a very mammalian head with forward facing eyes. Their arms, long and lithe structures, have four-fingered hands including opposable thumbs. Elongated vents on the underside of these arms allow for energy to be expelled from the body, creating two pairs of enlarged 'wings'. A pair of similar vents on the Pokemon's back allow for separate but similar 'wings' to emerge, visibly similar to a Carvanha's dorsal fins. These wings seem to correlate with an individual's power level, with higher-level Disciples having larger, more iridescent wings. These wings have been observed to refract light travelling through them much like a prism as well as reflecting some wavelengths like a mirror, implying a potential use in defense and offense.

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