Unknown Amphibious Species [WIP]

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AETHER FOUNDATION NOTE: Information is based on the small handful of specimens that have been captured or observed and may not represent the species as a whole.


CATEGORY: Human Shape Pokemon
TYPE: Water/Psychic
ABILITY: Dry Skin [1], Telepathy [2],
Liquid Voice [H]
HEIGHT: 170 - 280cm (avg.)
WEIGHT: 60 - 180kg (avg.)


A most peculiar species discovered during the first few expeditions into the Ultra Space Wilds during the initial Wormhole Creation Project. At first they were believed to be misinterpreted sightings of UB-01 but further investigation yielded evidence that an entirely new species was seen. Subsequent expeditions uncovered a small number of specimens, all varying in size and shape to some degree. Whether this is sexual dimorphism or evidence of unique traits in each individual is not yet known.

UB Siren specimens were so named after their hypnotising wailing that was used to disarm Aether Expedition Teams. Much like the mythological sirens from many regional stories, these creatures possess avian traits as well as startlingly humanoid ones.  It has been theorised that sightings of these creatures - perhaps specimens that became lost after travelling through a rogue Wormhole - actually inspired the very legends they are named after.

Research into the abilities of UB Siren specimens is extremely slow due to the lack of live subjects to study in a controlled environment. Despite this, some information has been uncovered from expedition teams who encountered these creatures in their native habitats.

HP: 110
ATK: 73
SP. ATK: 123
DEF: 47
SP. DEF: 57
SPD: 120
TOTAL: 520

1 Teleport
1 Tackle
1 Charm
4 Water Gun
6 Gust
9 Disarming Voice
11 Bite
15 Water Pulse
17 Sing
24 Hone Claws
28 Recover
32 Crunch
36 Pin Missile
40 Psychic
45 Hyper Voice
50 Cosmic Power
55 Psychic Fangs

There is no available data for TM moves or tutor-exclusive moves.
Unknown Poison-type moves are reportedly utilised by some specimens using a stinger in their tails. Other reports suggest these stingers actually produce Electric-type energy to paralyse prey. Neither have been officially confirmed.





Due to the alarming similarities between UB Siren specimens and humans, it has been suggested that these creatures are perhaps versions of our species that evolved aquatic traits over terrestrial ones. The nature of the Ultra Wormholes means that we cannot be certain where in time and space the openings are, so whether or not these are beasts from an alternate timeline or a future representation of our species is unknown. The implications that arise from this theory could change perceptions on the boundaries between beast and man - if these Pokemon from Ultra Space were once people, does this mean people currently have the potential to become them? Are we Pokemon? Where does humanity end and monster begin? Such philosophical studies are to be carried out when Aether deems the current biological and dimensional studies to be at a completion level considered tolerable.

out-of-universe info:
- inspired by many fictional species/worlds, including the Metkayina Na'vi from Avatar: The Way of Water, the Toads from Cold Skin, the Amphibian Man from The Shape of Water, the monsters from Splice, and the Sea Monkeys from Subnautica: Below Zero.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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