You know nothing, Batman.

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"Superman, you can't just rush off to Metropolis in the middle of a mission just because you heard your son cry" Batman said as he glared daggers at Superman.

"I thought he was in trouble" Superman said, looking down at his boots. He suddenly found them interesting.

"More trouble than he would be in if a pack of goons turned half the people of the city into clay-monsters?" Batman asked, his eyes getting narrower every second.

Superman was losing his patience with all of this. "I already apologized, you know."

"You still think you did nothing wrong"

Superman was done with this shit. He slammed his fist on the table. (A/N pls don't ask me if the table broke. I DON'T KNOW! Well, let's just say it didn't )

"You don't understand, Batman. He is my son. What do you know about being a father? If it was Ollie who was talking to me right now, I would have listened. But you,... Batman, you don't get to judge me because you have never atleast grown a plant, much less raise a child"
Superman spat and stomped out of the room. Batman just glared at his retreating back.

"Well... What just happened?" Flash asked after he moved aside for Clark to pass by. His question was answered with an angry grunt. Soon, Batman too walked out to the zetas, leaving the rest of the Justice League to exchange glances and wonder what.



Guess what?
I have a master degree on making super-short, shitty chapters. Hehe

Well, I'll be back with more,
Stay whelmed!



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