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Intruder alert

Every members of the Justice League who were present at the Watch tower rushed to the zetas.

They were startled to see four young men arguing about something in front of the zeta tubes.

"My shoe looks better than your face, Goldie"

"I have to agree with Hood"

"Aw, C'mon Timbo. Not you too"

"Shut up, you imbeciles"

"What if we don't? You gonna eat us, brat?"

"Robin, as much as I'd love to see that happen, please don't attempt to do that. I don't wanna lose two of you at once"

"Does that mean I can stab him?"


"But you said--"

The boys found themselves tied by the lasso of truth.

"The lasso of truth compels you to speak the truth. Who are you?" Wonder Woman demanded as she held on to the other end of the lasso with a threatening look on her face.


"You're not Batman" Flash didn't want to say that. But he did anyway.

Wonder Woman tugged at the lasso, making it's grip on the boys even tighter and the boys yelped.

Damian glared at Dick.
Told you this was a bad idea.

"We are good people. From Gotham. Mean no harm" Tim blurted out. He could really use some coffee.

That is when Superman noticed the bat insignia on Red Hood's chest. "Wonder Woman. I have a feeling they might be related to Batman in some way" he said eyeing Jason.

"He is my father, you pathetic boy scout" Damian spat.
Damn, the lasso.

Everyone in the room looked shell-shocked. All heads turned to Diana. "He is telling the truth" she said staring at the four young men infront of her.


"So you are telling us Batman is the father of four kids?"

Barry asked for the hundredth time. Everytime, Dick nodded yes. But now, Damian had heard enough.

"One. I am his true blood son. The rest are adopted" Everyones mouth made an 'O' shape.

"You contacted Batman yet?" Superman asked Wonder Woman.

"I can't reach him"

"Oh he is probably still in that meeting. Try again after a minute or so" Tim shrugged.

"Meeting?" Green Arrow asked confused. He was eager to find out who it was behind the mask.

"Yeeaah Business"


Superman was amused by the fact that all four of the boys looked like tiny versions of the bat. He still couldn't get over the fact that Batman was a father. That too,of four young and healthy men? No way.

He found out that each of the boys had pretty nice superhero names too. The eldest one was Nightwing, The second one Red Hood (though he wasn't wearing a hood. He should have gone by the name Red Helmet). Then there was Red Robin and finally,Robin.

The Robin kid was a spitting image of the bat. Same annoyed scowl on his face. He was capable of establishing a less scarier version of the bat glare, Superman had found out when he tried to tousle the boy's hair.

But what amazed him was, Red Hood carried a gun and Robin had a katana strapped to his waist. Since when did Batman approve of those? So he had a feeling that these kids weren't really related to Batman and they have been tricked. If that's the case, then Batman was sure going to chew them out.

"Batman's online!" Wonder Woman let out a surprised gasp as Flash squealed.

"What?" Batman snapped as soon as his face appeared on the screen.

"Batman. Uh.. We have f--"

"Hey Dad!" Dick squeaked before Wonder Woman could finish.

Upon seeing Nightwing, Batman's expression first turned into a relaxed one, then his eyes widened a little upon realization before going back to the serious Batman mode.

"I'm on my way. Batman out" he said before the screen went blank.

The boys realized what big of a trouble they have gotten themselves into.

Dick started biting his nails. Jason absent mindedly drummed his fingers on his thigh holsters. Tim stared ahead wide eyed and Damian glared daggers at anyone who dared looked at him.

The Leaguers watched the boys closely as they stood there.

The boys' heart skipped a beat when the AI announced Batman's arrival.

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