Short Louis Tomlinson Imagine

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You were on the couch buried aganist a pillow blankly staring at the playing TV. Your boyfriend Louis (frm 1D) was coming home soon after a 6 month tour in Europe and America, you missed him so bad and you also recieved alot of hate on Twitter. You were getting fed up with it and also you were wondering if you could really deal with having a long distance relationship and having a hot popstar boyfriend with millions of death threatning girls admiring him. You did trust him alot but was very worried that something will happen. Anyway you were crying but the tears had dried after 10 minutes and now you are shaking and desperatly want Louis to come home soon. The door opened minutes later,
"Babe! I'm home!" You hear Louis' Doncaster accent from the door, but you didnt respond. Soon you heard footsteps coming through from the kitchen, then from the corner of your eye you see Louis sitting down beaide you and he puts his arms around you.
"Y/n, whats wrong babe? Why are you crying?" Louis whispers kissing your forehead, you turn around in his arms your eyes sore and red from crying.
"Hate" You say the one word, you decided to not tell him about the long distance thing just yet. You can see Louis' hurt eyes, he sits up probably and pulls you towards his chest.
"I hoped you wouldnt see the last rumor" Louis admits, the rumor was that you had tweeted a horrible tweet about Liam's girlfriend Sophia who is adorably loved by the fans. But you hadnt done anything, you and Sophia were best mates and you 2 knew that and so did Niall, Harry, Liam, Zayn and Louis. "I wish the fans would accept you way more, you deserve better than this. Even when I ranted at them to shut up and stop hurting you they wouldnt listen." Louis says,
"I know, I wish I was as beautiful and awesome as Sophia" I reply feeling a tear slide down by cheek. Louis wipes it away with his thunb,
"You are as beautiful and awesome as Sophia, even more than her in my opinion. I love you y/n and no one and nothing can change my love for you. Dont let anything get to you and if you ever feel shit and ever feel like no one loves you remember thats not trye because I love you more than anything else in the world." Louis says sweetly, I look at him and give him a small smile.
"I love you too Louis and thanks" I reply.

Short Louis Tomlinson ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now