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Lizzy stared blankly at the wedding invitation in her hand. It was addressed to her and Paul. She'd never been to a wedding before, so this was new to her. She didn't understand why they'd want her there, either of them, really.

The couple never cared much for Bella, yet they continued to help save her life. Lizzy sighed and dropped the invitation on her bed. She had a week to decide whether she was going or not.
Lizzy was about to go grab her glass of water, when her phone rang. She picked it up and answered.

"Hey, is everything okay?" She asked. "Is Jacob at Sam's?" Billy asked. Lizzy walked out of her room and looked to the empty living room from the landing. "No, its just Emily and I here right now. Why?"

"We got the invitation and he ran off, I was hoping he was with you." Billy sighed. "No... I'll ask the guys and Leah if they saw him when they get back from patrol. Paul's with Anthony right now, so I'll ask him tonight." Lizzy responded. Her heart hurt for Jake, she couldn't imagine falling in love with someone and them choosing someone else.

"If you hear anything, let me know." Billy said. "I will." Lizzy said just before the line went dead. She dropped the phone right next to the invitation and went downstairs.

"Everything okay, Lizzy." The teen flopped down on the couch beside Emily. "Peachy. Jake ran off when he saw Bella's wedding invitation. Paul and I were invited too, and I mean hey! Free food and all, but I dunno how to feel about being around vampires that long." Lizzy told Emily.

The woman nodded in understanding and grabbed the girls hand. "Do you want to go?" Emily asked her. Lizzy thought over it for a minute. "I think I do, I mean they want us there, right? Since they invited us."
"Then go have fun. If you guys get uncomfortable, come back to the house. No one will force you to stay." Emily told her.

The duo then proceeded to spend the next 3 hours going through Lizzy's closet, looking for a dress that was wedding appropriate. The only one that came close was the dress she bought for homecoming in September, but never got to wear.

Emily had her try it on and it still fit, so she deemed it okay to wear to the wedding and lent Lizzy a pair of shoes. It was a good thing Emily let her borrow the shoes, Lizzy would've wore her converse otherwise.
When the guys and Leah got back, Lizzy asked them if they'd seen or heard from Jake. They had not, which set her worry into overdrive. He was fine, right?

Paul and Anthony got back to the house, maybe an hour after the rest of the pack. They'd been at the beach all day and Anthony spent the first 30 minutes in the door, showing Lizzy the shells and small pieces of driftwood that he had found.

She listened intently and her heart swelled when he handed her a small white clam shell. "It's for you." He said with a beaming smile. She looked at the seashell in her hand and smiled brightly at the boy. "I'll cherish it forever.. now let's get you bathed and in bed." She placed the shell on her nightstand while Paul scooped the boy up.

Anthony hadn't been in bed long when Lizzy decided to bring up the wedding...
"So, we got something in the mail today." Lizzy said casually as she braided her hair. "Oh really?" He asked from his spot on her bed.

"Yep, we were invited to Bella's wedding... Emily helped me decide whether I was going or not, and I'd like to know your thoughts." She said simply, staring at him through the mirror.

"She really invited us?" He asked in disbelief. Lizzy nodded. "I mean, I think we should go, see for ourselves what we have to look forward to when it's our turn. We don't have to do much. Just show up, say congrats, eat, dance a little, and leave." Lizzy pointed out.

"Fine, fine. I'll go!" Lizzy smiled at her boyfriend as she stood and made her way over. "You have to wear clothes though." She reminded him and he groaned, smashing his face into one of her pillows. "Best you're getting out of me is a dress shirt and decent pants."

"I know... maybe add a tie though, one that'll match the dress." He mumbled a 'fine', pulling her into him the moment she laid down beside him. "I'll rsvp in the morning."

A/N- Anthony 🥺❤

As of 12:00 am on 05/22/2022, this book officially turned 1 year old. I can't believe its really been that long already!

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