💤Wakey Wakey Protocol💤

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"Captain! Wake Up Please!"

I heard someone yelling my name, sounding close to crying.
I slowly opened eyes to find myself still in my Cryo Pod, expecting to be woken up by our computer's voice. It was dim inside the pod and I noticed a male silhouette pressed against the pod glass.
Computer wasn't activated which was odd. I opened the pod which made the silhouette jerk back.
It was Mark, my head engineer of the Invincible II.

"Oh Captain, thank god." He sighed in relief.
I was about to ask about the computer until I noticed the dark and empty ship. Everything was black, not a single light was on. I looked over at Mark.
"Mark, what the hell happen?" I asked.

"I- don't know, I just woke up here." He said. "Everyone is gone. Gunther, Bert, Celci. Everyone..."

I walked over to the computers, but they were dead, screens were pitch black. The sight of no flashing lights or buttons made my stomach churn. Why was everything off? Why are there no stars outside? Where the hell was everyone?

"What the fuck..." I mumbled under my lips. Mark and I stared at each other thinking the same thing, This had to be a fucking nightmare, what the hell happened to our ship.


The sound of a loud thud caught us off guard, it came from the empty hallway. 'What the hell was that?' I thought to myself.
Mark sighed quickly and walked in front of me towards the hallway. He forced the door open with his hands and gazed out in the darkness, with me standing behind him looking over his shoulder. There was a the smallest light that we were both barely able to detect coming from cryo, where Cecili usually was. A small blue light illuminated has I heard a muffled male voice from the room. It almost sounded like Mark.

"Do you hear that?" I asked Mark.
He didn't respond, he just shook his head with blank eyes of fear. The male voice slowly and very disturbingly morphed into a women's voice.

"You care about your crew, don't you?" The voice called out. Her voice echoed around ship, much louder than the mumble, managing to catch Mark's attention too. We stood our ground in the hallway, just a few feet away from the blue light. the light began to form into a human outline, someone has who has been standing there for a long period of time. They look towards us in a calm stance, it was dark but the blue light illuminated off her face. Dorene...

"Um...Mrs Whitacre, what-"

"I told you I'm not married!"
Her voice echoed throughout the ship, almost shaking it to pieces. Mark froze his words, afraid to say anything else, until I stood in front of him.

"What happened to everyone?"

She remained quiet and stepped closer. The ship suddenly shook like an earthquake, shattering glass around us.
"You should know, you brought them here."

I felt my heart freeze when she said that. It actually began feeling colder in the spaceship. I could see my own breath in the air. "What?" I mumbled.

"They're all gone, Captain, even your engineer."

My eyes widened as I quickly snapped to my right. Mark had completely vanished. "Mark? Mark!" I cried out. My voices echoed. I turned back around with frozen tears in my eyes.
"What the hell did you do to him?!"

She began fading away into the fog without answering.

The spaceship suddenly began shaking again, each time more violent than the next. A piece of the ship's ceiling fell towards me, knocking the front of my face. The piece managed to bruise my nose, it felt like it was broken. I rubbed it to realize the inside of my nose began bleeding.

The ship shook again, roaring echoed.


I jerk up in front of me. Mark stood there in front of Cryo. He looked like a ghost, completely made of fog.
"Mark!" I ran towards them and reached out my hand. He grabbed it but I never felt his hand. We stared at each other in fear.

"Captain?" He asked softly. "What's happening to me?"

"I don't know, but we're gonna figure this out. It's okay." I said.

I noticed tears falling from his eyes as he reached out his hand. Suddenly he looked down and his tears quickly faded. His face of fear suddenly turned to shock.

"Captain, what's in your hand?" He asked quietly. I looked down and noticed my left hand glowing. A familiar feeling of nausea came over my body as I turned my hand around and found a war crystal glued to my hand once again. My heavy breathing increased as my body began to shutter and shake.

I looked back up at Mark you suddenly seemed angry. He stared back into my eyes with a look of anger and disgust, which scared me.
"You did this?" He whispered.

I couldn't speak. The ship trembled again, but this time it never stopped. I was certain the ship was about to explode any second. Mark's eyebrows frowned lower as his eyes began glowing blue. I stood back away from him.

"You did this to us, Captain!" Mark shouted.

I froze as I saw other ghost like creatures walk from behind him. It was the crew, and they all looked like ghosts with glowing blue eyes. I saw them all, Gunther, Celci, Bert, everyone. The walked towards me like zombies.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?!" I yelled out.

"You left the colonists to die!" I heard Celici yell. I started walking backwards, my hand began glowing again.
"N- no! I... I didn't! I didn't do anything!"

The colonists suddenly ran towards me, screeching like monsters. I ran back to the bridge and managed to close the door just in time. The banged at the door like zombies. I was slightly relieved but more confused. I saw the cold breath, but it wasn't from me, it was coming from behind me. I quickly turned around and found Mark standing behind me, throwing his arm. I ducked down and crawled away, avoiding his punch. I crawled the Mark's Cryo chamber and tried to stand up.

Mark walked over to me and with the same expressionless face. He looked frozen and blank but I could tell he was in pain. "Mark?" I asked.

Mark suddenly wrapped his hand around my neck, closing my airwaves. He pulled me up to my feet. I used my hands to pull his hands away from my neck. He was stronger than I was which made it harder. I squirmed around to break out of his grip when I suddenly turned towards the chamber glass. Mark was inside, still asleep. I was confused but was once again caught off guard due to Mark tightening his grip.

My vision began getting blurry, until I eventually blacked out. I heard the ship vibrate once again until it ended abruptly. It was just silence and darkness. Until I heard a familiar sound of a computer.

"Good Morning, Captain."


I'm really excited to finally be writing this!
I've been wanting to do since Part 2 came out.
I can't wait for you guys to read the rest of this story!!!

Enjoy 😉

In Space With Markiplier, Part III: Fixer-UpperWhere stories live. Discover now