The First Steps

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"Alright, we seem to be out of boys so Mia you're paired up with Ellie," the instructor, Gabbie, stated.

My eyes darted looking for any sign of the girl coming my way. Finally, I met eyes with her. Her dirty blond, almost brown, hair was the first thing that caught my eye. It laid a little past her shoulders in naturally looking soft curls. As she made her way closer from across the room, more of her features came into view. Her plump body was covered by a matching royal blue workout set and of course, as requested by the club leaders, she wore heels. 

Her hazel eyes met mine, "Hi. I'm Mia. I hope it's alright that we were paired together."

"Oh, trust me I'm glad. I'd much rather be paired with a girl than a guy." That shouldn't have been the first thing out of my mouth and I knew it. "I-I meant to say that I don't mind... I'm Ellie."

Mia simply giggled and I realized she was looking at my outfit. "Wow, you look great!" 

"Oh! Thank you. I really wasn't sure what to wear so I'm hoping this works." I announced. I looked down at my tiered white skirt which stopped just before my ankles covering the top straps of my heels. 

Before Mia could respond, it was announced that class had begun. Soon enough we were hand-in-hand and our bodies were closer than expected for strangers. Joining a salsa dance club was one of the things I was most looking forward to when going to college, but I didn't think about the all strangers I'd be dancing with.

As quickly as it started, it was announced that class was over. While I was packing up my bag to leave, I was surprised by a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Mia with a soft half-smile looking down at me. Slowly she asked, "Hey. I was wondering if you wanted to grab a coffee? My treat of course."

I looked up at her knowing well that I couldn't say no to coffee. Her smile turned full and her nose scrunched at my acceptance. I turned back to my bag to hide the smile that was forming on my lips and finished packing up. With us both out of our heels, I realized how tall she was. She stood at least two inches above me causing my eyes to constantly be looking up to meet hers. 

After ordering from the local coffee shop on campus we found a place to sit. Oddly, there were only a few other people all in a group talking. We made small talk until our drinks were ready.

"I can't believe you just order it black," Mia exclaimed wide-eyed.

I laughed, "And I can't believe you put all that stuff in yours! What's in there anyway?"

"It's not too much! It's just white mocha, caramel syrup, and caramel drizzle."

"Just. Yeah okay," I said mockingly. 

"Oh come on it's not bad! You just don't know what you're missing."

"Fine then switch with me!"


"Switch drinks with me and if I'm right you have to...," I paused trying to think of something, "to pay the next time we go out." I did not even know if there was going to be 'a next time,' but it was already too late. Before I could look down in embarrassment, Mia excitedly agreed. We switched drinks and as soon as we both took a sip we cringed. "I told you so," I said still cringing. 

"Fine. Fine. You win," Mia surrendered noticeably faking an upset look on her face."

"Aw come on, don't be upset," I played along, "How about I buy you a cake pop?"

Her eyes quickly met mine, "Chocolate," was all that came out of her mouth. 

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