Misplaced Chapter 20

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Author's notes.

Sexual content warning. It's pretty vanilla and I tried to keep it tasteful. (If it needs additional warnings, please let me know.)

What can I say? I started wondering how it might go down between these two. When I figured that out, I thought I might as well write it down. I wrote that down, so I might as well publish it, right?

A follow-up to "Tobio's Girl." It might be hard to understand without reading that one first.

It adds some bits to their story, but it's not so relevant that you need to know it to read "Tobio's Girl. Time Skip." (I will upload that soon.)


It was Sunday afternoon. It seemed that Reina was just chilling on her bed, reading a magazine, but she hadn't turned a page in a while. Instead, she was glancing at her phone every 5 seconds. It's taking so long today, but it should be any minute now. Finally, her phone buzzed. She grabbed it with impatience.

"Done with practice. Going home. Meet at my place?" She read a telegraph-like message from Kageyama and smiled widely. She jumped up from her bed, grabbed her bag, and stopped for a moment to check herself in the mirror. Fixing her hair and make-up, she realized, with distaste, she'd gotten pretty good at looking nice in leisurewear. An undeniable proof that the thing she did most often with her boyfriend was just lounging around at home. Ah, well, whatever.

"I'm going out," she informed her brother in passing and rushed to the door.

"And where are you going?" Haruo asked curiously.


"Are you guys going out? In this lovely weather?" He looked outside the window to admire mid-autumn in its rainy, windy glory.

"No, we'll just hang out at home. Watch some volleyball, probably."

"Isn't that the exact thing you did here yesterday? And last weekend as well?"

"What can I say? There is a lot of volleyball to watch in the world. Recently, we've been pretty invested in the Argentinian league. It's so hard to find online."

"Why would you watch it then?"

"There are reasons, believe me."

Haruo chuckled. Reina looked at him askingly.

"When I'll start high school, I won't spend one weekend sitting at home," he said teasingly in a girlish voice, "I will go out to have fun with my friends all the time. And I'll find myself a boyfriend to go on fabulous dates toge—" He stopped to dodge a slipper Reina threw at him.

Faced with the wind outside, Reina thought they were lucky to live only 10 minutes away from each other. But she didn't even have to wait that long to see Tobio. When she saw his tall figure walking in the distance, she ran up to him with glee.

"Reina? Here already?" He looked with astonishment from her to his phone. "Wow, that was quick."

"Oh, sorry. Did you want me to come over later?" Not that they had all the time in the world, the team practice ran pretty late.

"No, not at all. I mean," Tobio waved his hands around her as if reaching for a hug, but he restrained himself in the end and just smiled, "It's good to see you. But let's go. It's so damn cold."

They strolled to his house, chatting casually, mostly about how the volleyball practice went. But as soon as he closed the door behind them, he wrapped her tightly in his arms.

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