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Top= Dream 🛐
Bottom= Fundy 😔


Fundy's POV.

I woke up at morning. And saw dream on the other side of the bed.

Oh my god

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Oh my god.. My ass hurts. But dream....
Why is HE here? Why can't I not remember anything? HOLY SHIT I'm not wearing clothes! Wait... No.. DID I FUCKED WITH THIS GREEN BITCH BOY?

I started to speak with my mind. As I tried to move, I keep falling, then dream woke p and quickly grabbed his mask. And said.

"Hun- I can explain this- I swear-" he said. I was angry at him for doing this kind of stuff like what the hell man?!?! What is Wilbur gonna say about this?!!??? Then I realized that we were both naked- and there were lewd on the bed sheets even on the floor! Hoe the heck am I gonna even clean this??!! And then I said. "Then explain this!!" And then he did.


To be continued.... Okay guys-this I just published it at night and I just wrote it at moring- and I'm lazy-

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