Chapter 1

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(Edited October 25, 2022)





"Normal Dialogue"
'Thought Dialogue'
"SQUIP Dialogue"
"SQUIP Controlling [NAME]'s Speech"

     "Hey, ma? Can I go to Sev' Elev'? I want a cherry slushy, and they have all the best stuff." I practically yell, walking to the door. "Do you want anything?" I ask politely." "CornNuts, Barbecue." She states simply. "Love you, mom." I opened the door. "I love you too, sweetie. Do me a favor and socialize?" She says, sounding more like she's asking. "I'll be alright, mom. I'll just find the Loser Squad at school tomorrow." I exit the home, closing the forest green door behind me. I look down at my outfit. Dang. I've gotta find the loser kids fast... I'd paid no mind to the outfit I was wearing until after I had put it on. Comfort over convention. I was wearing a Sonic the Hedgehog anime t-shirt under my [FAVORITE COLOR] jacket adorned with patches and pins, along with a [PAIR OF PANTS/SKIRT], and black Converse. You could look at my wardrobe alone and see that I'm a complete geek. Nevermind about that. Now, I shall begin my quest for the Holy Nectar and CornNuts. I can sort out the whole "friends" thing later.

     I put in my wireless earbuds while opening my music app, selecting [FAVORITE SONG]. I hummed along to the tune as I walked on the cracked pavement, a light breeze beginning to flow through my [HAIR STYLE], [HAIR COLOR] hair. My hands assisted my phone in its short journey to my pocket, before swinging them back and forth at my sides. I take notice of the scenery as I walk. There isn't much else to do. The tree leaves were only just beginning to change colors. I'd managed to land myself here at the beginning of the school year. At least I won't have to deal with the whole, you know,  "introduction" thing. I look up to see the 7/Eleven to my right. I need a good drink. Of cherry slushy.

I enter the store to be greeted by a quiet ding signaling my entrance. "Welcome to 7/Eleven. Can I help you?" An employee asks, feigning fake enthusiasm. "Just looking around." They nod. Weaving my way through the aisles, I make my way to the slushy machine. Finally, bliss. I grab one of the BIG GULP cups, filling it with as much of the syrupy concoction as possible. I put the lid on with a pop, then insert the straw. "Cherry, huh?" Someone says. I look up to see someone who looks like they're in high school. "Uhm. Yeah. My favorite." "Michael Mell. You?" "[FIRST NAME] [LAST NAME]. I just moved here." He nods. "Thought so. I haven't seen you around before." I watch as Michael picks up two BIG GULP cups. He begins to fill them both at once. One cherry, the other, blue raspberry. "Are you... Are you God?" He laughs. "Are you impressed by my skill?" I nod. "Yes. Very much so.... So you are God?" I joke. "I wish. It's more efficient." The two of us walk to the counter together. I grab my mom's CornNuts on the way. Michael puts his drinks on the counter. He sits there for a moment. "Well?" I quirk a brow. "Well, what?" "C'mon. Put your stuff up." "It's fine–" He cut me off. "I insist." Damn you, Michael. I can't break the laws of insisting. "Are you sure?" "Yeah, of course." He gives me a thumbs up. I put my things on the counter, where they are scanned by the cashier. Michael pays for our things, and we walk outside of the building, continuing whatever conversation we were having before. "Do you want me to drive you home?" Michael asked, opening his car door. I think for a moment. He seems nice enough. I'm sharing my location with my mom, anyway. "Is Morris Street out of your way?" He shakes his head. "No, I live there, too."

     "Now, turn here." I say pointing toward the Morris Street sign, which was pointing left. "So, you're starting school tomorrow?" "You sound like my mom." I laughed. "But yeah, I'm starting at Middlesbrough tomorrow." Michael looked at me. "No. Way." I quirked an eyebrow. "What?" "I go there, too." I pumped a fist. "Oh, sick." He nods. "Oh, here I am." I motion to my house. He stops on the curb. "Thanks for the ride, man." "You're welcome. Oh, wait." I turn around. "Can I have your number? You seem pretty cool." I take his phone, which already has his contacts open. I put in my name, then take a selfie to use as the photo. "Text me so I can add you to mine. He nods. "Sure. Later, man." He drives away. I open the door, throwing the CornNuts at my mom, who hadn't moved from her spot on the floor. "Who was that? The person who drove you home?" She looked at me questioningly. "Oh, that was Michael. He's one of our neighbors." "Isn't that neat?" She popped some CornNuts into her mouth. "Yeah. I'm gonna hit the hay, I've got a big day tomorrow." She nodded. We extended "I love you's" before I made my way upstairs. I practically fell onto the bed, falling asleep almost instantly

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