soccer game

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i woke up and immediately checked my phone. i had gotten a text from mattia.

my baby love <3

hey mena, don't forget my soccer game is right after school!

mattiaaaa, i didn't forget lol. ima dress up 🤗.

okayyyyy, see you at school ;)

kk ;)
my baby love <3 liked your message

i smiled at my phone and hopped up, i pulled my alexa out and played the song looking out for you by joy again. it was me and mattias signature and everytime i thought about him, i'd play this song.

i danced my way over to my closet and I had the perfect idea of an outfit i was going to wear.

i was going to wear mattias green jersey with some baggy white jeans and my shoes were black converse, i remember mattia had gotten two copies of his soccer jersey and he gave one to me.

god i am so in love with that kid.

i thought.

i put my hair in two tiny pink tails and the rest of my hair was down in the back, i curled it also. i did my makeup, grabbed my backpack, my sign that said "let's go number 27!!" on it, and keys and headed to my parents room to say goodbye.

"well well well, look at you all dressed up!" my mom said.

"thanks mommy! mattia has a soccer game today.." i stuttered a little.

"so.. you and him are back together now?" my dad said, putting himself into the convo.

"yes papa, but.. we're working things out." i said.

"mhm." he said with a certain look on his face.

"well okay mena, just make sure to call or text. love you." she said, kissing my cheek.

i went downstairs, opened the door and walked to my car. i got in and headed off to school.

once i got to school, i met up with my usual friend group.

"hey mena!" april said, hugging me.

"hi april!" i said hugging her back.

"alright so, what we doin today?" sean said.

"uhh mattia has a soccer game." i said.

"you mean futboll?" kairi jokingly said.

"shut up!" i playfully pushed him. he laughed.

"hey babe!" i felt someone come up behind me, it was mattia.

"hi baby, how are you?" i kissed him.

"i am doing good... awe baby, you look so adorable." he said, making a certain face.

"stooopp" i blushed.

i turned around and saw our whole friend group with their phones out.

"you guys make me wanna kill myself literally." alejandro said. we all laughed.

mattia pulled out his phone and he had gotten a text from his soccer group chat.

"alright well guys.. i have to go, coach needs me for something." Mattia said.

"alright, see you at the end of the day." i smiled, kissing him. he kissed me back then left.
it was finally the end of the day, i headed out to the bleachers to go sit down. i had brought some snacks and a blanket since it was a little cold.

the rest of our group met up with me in the stands.

"so mena, you ready to see polibio take an L?" alejandro jokingly said.

"ale shut up omg!" i laughed.

some time passed by and mattia and his team ran out on the field as a group.

"COME ON NUMBER 27!!!!" i cheered.

our school started off with the ball and then game was on. mattia scored the team twice and canother kid scored them once.

by the end of the game, the score was 3-1.. it was down to the last quarter and mattia had the ball, he swerved some kid and made him fall.. we we were all laughing under our breath trying not to be rude nor disrespectful.

it was a few minutes left now and mattia scored!everyone got up off the stand and ran to the feild.

our whole group got up and ran to the feild, once we got there i looked for mattia.. goodness there was a lot of people there.

i had finally found mattia and i ran up to him with a big smile on my face.

"mattia!" i yelled.

he turned around and his face lit up, "baby!" he said.

i leaped into his arms kissing him, all you heard was cheers and claps all around us.. practically the whole school was looking at us.

mattia and i laughed and we walked over to our group.

"you guys are so adorable!!" kairi said, showing me a picture of us kissing.

the picture:

"aweee, baby

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"aweee, baby.. look at us" i said, making a certain face.

"your smile is so beautiful." he told me, looking me straight in the eyes. making me blush a little.

"mattia?" i said.

"yes, love?" he said.

"i love you." i said, making his face lit up with excitement and joy.

"i love you too!" he said, picking me up and swinging me around.

some time had passed by and everyone eventually went home, our whole group went out to eat.

the whole time we were sitting down and eating, alejandro kept looking at me. everyone else noticed but me, it was kind of weird but i didn't pay to much.

we all ended up eventually going home, my parents were gone when i came back home. it was around 6 and it was getting dark. i got in the shower and when i got out i did my homework, i texted mattia good night and he said goodnight back. after that, i went to bed.
934 words.

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