Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

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(Y/n Pov)

Ring Ring Ring Ring


The sound of my alarm clock rang through my ears, begrudgingly awakening me from my deep slumber. 

Its around that time again. Yet another year of being forced to go to school and put up with the suffering. Why do we have to go back to school so soon after such a short summer break? It feels like we just got a taste of freedom and now we're being dragged back into the daily grind.

I mean, what's the rush? Can't we just ease back into things and take our time getting back into the swing of things? It's not like we're going to forget everything we learned before the break. And besides, I'm sure any sane student would want to have a little more rest and relaxation time.

But no, we have to be forced back into this routine of waking up early, sitting in boring classes, and putting up with all the stress and pressure that comes with it. It's like we're being punished for having the audacity to enjoy our time off. 

School was just a repetitive routine of constantly absorbing new information until my brain became fried mush. It was a cycle that never seemed to end, and I found it hard to stay motivated and engaged. I didn't often engage in conversations with my classmates unless it was absolutely necessary, and even then, I would keep it brief. My only real friend at school was Fuutarou, and we would stick together during class and lunchtime. 

That perspective of mine wouldnt change, until yesterday at 1 am, mid piss in the bathroom.

As I stood in front of the mirror, I couldn't help but wonder if my life would be more exciting if I made an effort to talk to more people. Don't get me wrong, my friend Fuutarou is great and all, but sometimes it can be a bit lonely. He doesn't always have the same interests as me, and I find myself longing for someone to share my passions with. Actually, "Longing" is to powerful of a word, it makes me sound desperate...

Anyways, I'm not saying I need to suddenly become a social butterfly or anything, but it wouldnt hurt to open up a little more. Maybe I could join a club or take up a new hobby. Who knows, I might even meet someone who shares my love for Japanese culture.

So after a self evaluation right then, I made the decision to open up more. I have all year to do so, theres no need for me to rush. 

Maybe I could even improve myself too, maybe hit the gym more often or study harder for better grades starting toda... next year... This year, I'll chill and relax.

Today, I was not off to a great start. As usual, I woke up late and had to rush to get ready for class. It seemed like every little thing was going wrong, from spilling coffee on my shirt to forgetting my phone charger at home. I couldn't help but think, "man fuck my life." 

Using every bit of strength in me, I ran as fast as I could to school. My legs felt heavy and my lungs burned with each breath. I'm not proud to admit it, but I can't run fast, nor can I run long distances. I could feel my muscles aching and my body begging for rest.

As I approached the school, my heart was pounding and sweat was pouring down my face. Out of breath, I arrived at the school's front entrance. I leaned over, placing my hands on my knees as I gasped for air.

Despite my best efforts, I still ended up arriving to class a little late. As I walked in, I could feel the stares of my classmates on my back. I was met with a look of disappointment from the teacher.

"L/n Y/n I presume, a little early dont you think? I will let it slide today because it's the first school day this year. I won't be this lenient any other day. Your assigned seat is right over there," the teacher informed, pointing towards my desk. 

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