New start

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Its been exactly 15 years since you were first separated from the vanoss crew aka your family. Today was the day you longed for all these years. You finally get your see your family again. You were sitting passenger seat of your boyfriends car on the way to find them. You didn't like the situation you were in but you delt with it. You fell in love with him in high school and now you don't know what to feel. You hid the secret of being a cop from him and everyone he knew so it didn't mess up your goal. He was such a nice guy in high school but changed when you both graduated. He became aggressive and abusive. You felt like if you did something it would ruin your chance of finding and re connecting with your family you worked so hard to get back. You knew that you could arrest him or get him arrested but choose not to because you became close with his gang. They would hate you for arresting their leader. So you just sat there quietly excited for what's to come. You felt a strange change in the atmosphere as you saw that you were getting close to the abandoned city you were separated at.

Ever since that day you've felt like you were a lot weaker then before. It might have been because of Alex. The whole power transfer took most of your strength but you learned your deal with it and managed how much you could do everyday without wearing yourself out. You started to sense your power coming from the city so you quickly sat up. "What is it? Why are you excited to see an abandoned city?" (B/F/N) asked sounding annoyed. He doesn't know of your power because you hid it from him. "Oh uh I just remember coming here 15 years ago." You said sitting back. As you got closer you feel less negative energy then the last time. All of a sudden a bunch of people appeared in front of you. (B/F/N) slammed on the breaks. There was a knock on your window so you rolled it down. "Hey.. Its you its been a long time kid." The first alex I met said. "So you knew it was me huh?" You said opening the door. She backed up and you stepped out. "What are you doing we have to go." (B/F/N) said turning off the car.

"Its ok we'll get back on the road in a minute." You said walking to Alex. "Of course I knew it was you because of your...." She said before I shushed her. "Please don't speak of powers around him" you whispered hearing the car door open and close. "Oh I see ok no worries. Everything has changed since your last visit. We aren't as bad as we used to be and that was all because of you." She said placing her hand on my head. I was suddenly pulled away and face to face with (B/F/N). "Listen if you stall any longer you will be punished." He whispered in your ear. You nodded and looked back to Alex. "Looks like we have to go already. I'm on my way to my family." You said following (B/F/N) back to the car. "Alright then you can stop on your way back then." She said as you got back into the car. "I will." You said as he started the car back up. He started driving so you waved. "So what makes it right for you say things like that without consulting me first." (B/F/N) said as you entered the city. "Well I'll be with my family and I...." You said but he cut you off. "You'll be with me in this car no exceptions." He said sternly. "You can't just make decisions like that for me." You said looking at him. "I am and I will and you're going to like wether you want to or not." He said giving you a death glance. You looked away and out the window. You knew that with your power you were clearly stronger but he has no idea about them plus you've just felt like you were getting weaker these last few years. Struggling with getting things done but you managed.

After a few minutes of driving you felt something strong and similar up ahead. As you got closer you saw a familiar face and gasped making (B/F/N) suddenly stop the car. "What the hell is it now?" He asked but you ignored him. You quickly unbuckled and got out of the car. You walked up to her and she quickly turned around. "(Y/N)?" Is that you? What happened why are you so weak?" She asked as you tripped and fell to your knees in front of her. She hurried to you and crouched in front of you. "Is it because of what you did all those years ago? Have you been living this weak all this time?" She asked making you look up at her. You look back down and nodded slightly. "I did it to help you but at the same time I was killing myself and I didn't know that." You said hearing someone running up behind you. "(Y/N) who is that?" She asked helping you up. "My b..boyfriend" you said quietly with a stutter. "You need your strength back. I'll give it to you." She said helping you to your feet. "No not now I'll stop by on the way back but I don't want to take it all from you." You said stopping her.

"Are you sure your so weak you can hardly stand." She said holding you up. (B/F/N) ran up to you. "What's wrong what happened?" He asked acting like he was concerned. "She's weak she can hardly even stand.
You should hurry and get to where you're going then on the way back stop by and I can help her." She said. He gave her a quick glance. "Yeah i will let's just hurry and get her back to the car." He said taking your arm and putting it over his shoulder. Alex did the same thing to the other side of your and they carried you back to the car. They helped you in and closed the door. (B/F/N) walked back around to the driver side. He said something to Alex but you couldn't make out what he said. He then got in and started the car. Once he started driving he spoke up. "Why are you making this shit up and faking everything? Are you trying to get attention?" He asked but you couldn't answer. You felt your whole body go numb and everything was becoming unclear to you. Your eyes got heavy and everything was going black. "(Y/N!)" He yelled but to you it was muffled. You just sat there unable to do anything as the darkness finally consumed you.

Don't worry i have another chapter coming out right after this one. I had to split it up into multiple chapters cause i was writing so much.


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