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RKS Entertainment's newest girl group, ROSE, is set to debut with "La Vie en Rose" on the 4th of November 2019. ROSE is a self-producing, five-member girl group that will Rise, Optimize, Succeed, and Exceed fragrantly and elegantly.

"La Vie en Rose," is a tasteful single with refined choreography. ROSE fully wrote and produced their debut song, and played a role in the choreographing process.

A press conference and music video premiere will be held on the 4th of November 2018 where the concept and members will be introduced.

– RKS Entertainment

The words were displayed clearly on her screen, but they did not register in her mind. Could these meager short sentences (hurriedly typed up by some intern and posted on various social media platforms) be all there is to show about her dream becoming a reality? That did not sit right with her, and Sena couldn't help the scoff that escaped her lips, even when the people around her hollered and whopped at the exact same screen she was glaring at.

But she also couldn't contain the tears that began to trickle from her eyes. Her mother, who sat beside her, her own eyes leaking salty droplets, pulled her closer, chuckling as her hard-headed daughter broke down despite her best effort.

Minutes after RSK Entertainment had released the announcement, Sena's eyes are rimmed with red, her pupils shaky and lost within a sea of sickly pink-white. Her nose is bright and dripping green-tinted moisture she fruitlessly kept sniffling back. Her lips were stretched thin as she opened her mouth louder, wailing into her mother's comforting embrace, her blunt nails digging into the skin of her palm as she tried to control the tremors racking her body.

"With the way your acting, people might think you got rejected," the lady beside her mother remarks, her boney hands caressing the sobbing girl's dark hair. The woman was a neighbor of the mother and daughter like every other person crowded into the small room. "You should be happy. You're going to debut! That's always been your dream, right?"

"Yeah, darling. Show me a big smile!" Another older lady demanded, wobbling over to the girl and nudging her chin with wrinkled hands.

Sena tried, forcing her loud cries to muffled hiccups and opening her puffy eyes as wide as she could while forcing a dimpled grin to her tense cheeks but by the time the old lady managed to open her phone and click on the camera button, that smile had melted into furrowed brows and a scrunched up face.

"I'm so happy!" Sena yelled.

The older woman laughed merrily, glade her shaky hands had tapped onto the video icon.

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