3. ʀᴀꜱʜ ᴄᴏᴍᴍɪᴛᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ

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Sena knew Kang Daehyun long before her debut. Three years prior, infact. 

They met in the midst of a cold Deague winter, in the heart of the district. Sena blended in among the crowd surrounding a group of buskers dancing to the choppy rhythm of a hip-hop song. Excited by the performance and the cheering of the crowd she was a part of, Sena subtly mimicked the dancers. Somehow Daehyun had picked her out among the crowd, barrelling through the throng to reach her just to hand her a flimsy business card.

RSK Entertainment

With her mother's warnings ringing in her mind, Sena was quick to flee from the man. The card made it out of the crowd. On her walk home, Sena did not see any trashcans (though if her search was genuine is questionable) so she tucked the card into her pocket. She'd throw it out later. 

She never ended up throwing it away. Instead, she spent nearly half an hour that night blankly gazing at it. 

What had made that man approach her? She wondered. That thought sparked a night of fruitless contemplation. One query lead to the other and soon enough Sena was dwelling on the luxury successful idols lived in. While she knew little of the entertainment industry, Sena knew that it guaranteed a comfortable life -- that if you are among the lucky few to break out. 

Sena wouldn't be one of the lucky few though -- because she isn't even going to try. 




The card remained tucked away in the darkest corner of the cabinet for a few months. Sena only rediscovered when she was clearing her room out after she and her mother were evicted from yet another temporary home. 

Perhaps it was the retched, but real, the alternative of a life marked by rare nights spent safely under a roof, and the majority on the dangerous streets, but the idol life the card alluded to seemed tempting at that moment. 

As if to further push her towards the rash decision, her most recent report card was stashed beside the RSK business card. While one paper implied a long, and disappointing, academic life with little chance of excelling in subjects she detested, the other sheet promised a life of (perhaps stifled) creativity. The choice was easy to make. 

So, Sena made it. 




All it took was a single phone call, as well as the mention of a name scrawled on the back of the business card ('Kang Daehyun' she thinks it read), to have Sena's name added to the list of trainees under RSK Entertainment. The choice to do so was made rashly on Sena's side, so her mother never found out. Her mother would remain in the dark for the next few months, under the impression that Sena was out with friends every time she returned to her late.

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