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He yelled as he ran off giggling to himself.

Gorou sighed as he walked out and onto a beach nearby.

The sun was already almost set but that wasn't about to stop him.

He walked along the beach and to the spot where he and Itto last were together. He sat on one of the rocks and put his face into his hands listening to the calming sound of waves brushing against the sand.

He almost fell asleep but just then he heard the sound of sand crunching under someone. He lifted up his head and noticed Itto jogging towards him very careful of the thing on top of his head.

He finally reached Gorou and he colud see the excitement in his friends eyes.

"Look! Look!"

He pointed to the top of his head. Gorou's heart rate sped up when he noticed it was the onikabuto he gifted him earlier.

"Oh wow you found another?"

Gorou said shyly trying to play it off.

"Nu-uh actually!- Miss Hina gave it to me after i shoved off the creep that was bugging her!"

"Oh- oh wow Itto that's really... sweet of you."

He said yet the last part came out in a whisper.

Yet nothing colud go unheard by the oni as he smiled warmly and sat on the sand placing the onikabuto on his chest.

He turned to look at Gorou and suggested for him to join in.

Gorou let out a huff but did it anyway. He laid on the beach and looked up at the sky with the oni still observing his side profile.

"You look really nice like that Gorou."

Gorou's stomach dropped and his tail started wagging softly.

Itto started laughing as Gorou looked away mortified.

"Doggie! You're tickling me- please please oh-"

The oni stopped as he propped himself up to sit. He had an even more amused look on his face as he turned his head to look at Gorou.

"You like complements huh?"

"I mean um... Who.. doesn't?"

"True true. But even if you tail seems really happy it's going back and forth- oh it's getting faster! Even more now- calm down man your wagger is gonna fall of."

"No it's not!"

He shot up holding down his tail with his hands.

He huffed embarrassed and yet his heart was still beating extremely fast as his tail slowly stopped.

Itto placed his hands in Gorou's and practically tore them off. Gorou had a confused look on his face as Itto watched his tail swishing back and forth.

"I think that's neat! You know- i may have had teased you a bit- buut i still think that you having a tail and ears it extremely cool you know?"

"Sure Itto..."

"Ah don't be such a stick i was kidding! I promise!"

He said his face turning a bit pale not meaning to make his friend upset. He took both of his hands and held them gently.

Gorou finally looked at him and noticed the oni's lip quivering and his eyes that now had tears in them. He jumped and immediately hugged his friend.

There was silence before he spoke up.

"It's fine you big caveman im not upset. Stop crying please."

"I'm not crying a bug flew into my eye."

"Sure Itto sure."

Gorou zoned out again listening to the waves and now the slowly steadying heartbeat of his friend. His tail was still lightly swishing back and forth showing his content with how comfortable and relaxed he was.

"Doggie im sorry-"



The oni tilted his head and saw that Gorou was asleep. He smiled and shuffled over to a rock so that he wouldn't have a sore back and slowly closed his eyes his hands wrapped around the general.


///&quot;Miss Hina..?&quot;///Itto X Gorou///Where stories live. Discover now