Fujiwara Wants To Know

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[3rd Person POV]

At the home of the Shirogane family. Kei has just gotten outside with her uniform.

The first thing she saw when she went outside is his fake boyfriend. Haru Asakura.

The Shirogane and Asakura family houses are not that far away, both families live in the same ward in Tokyo which is Setagaya.


"Shirogane-san, let's go."

As the two walk together towards their school. Awkwardness has taken over between the two.

Kei looks at her fake boyfriend and said. "You haven't been answering my texts, are you alright?" She asks him.

"You are starting to sound like my real girlfriend." Haru joked.

"Shut up, baka." Kei with a little bit of redness on her face.

It seems both of them have gotten closer.

"Hey, Asakura."


"Since you are helping me because of the fake relationship, I want to repay you." The white-haired girl stated.

"You don't have to."

"I have to insist, you have no friends, right?" The younger Shirogane questions him.

"You don't have to remind me that..." the younger Asakura became a little bit sad because of that fact.

"I'm gonna help you with that. I will help you to make friends."


"Later you better buy a swimsuit, because we will be going to the beach with our classmates." Kei stated.


Summer Vacation is happening. The Student Council is celebrating to that fact.

Because of that, all members of the Student Council are now planning for their summer vacation. Miyuki wanted to spend time with Kaguya on a vacation trip while (Y/N) also wanted to be with Chika.

But it seems their planning has gotten to be difficult because Chika is going to Hawaii.

"Breathing is fun...!" Kaguya thought to herself. Her mind has gone blank.

Yu then chimes in saying that he is interested in hanging out over the summer with Miyuki and (Y/N) and both of them agrees. Both (Y/N) and Miyuki will attend the Summer Festival with Ishigami and Chika exclaims she'll go too as will Kaguya.

But then Chika realized something when she read her schedule book.

"Oh. I can't. I'm at Spain at that time, for a tomato festival." Chika said as she sweat-drops.


(Y/N) is now in a depressed mood.

"Goddamnit, she has too many trips...I guess I can't invite her to go to the beach..." (Y/N) sadly thought to himself.

"Don't tell me you'll go without me?! Would you actually go to the summer festival and just leave me out?" Chika gets teary-eyed right now. "Would you do something as mean as that?"

"Huh? Of course we would." Ishigami said with no hesitation.

Chika was shocked by the Treasurer's statement.

"Aren't you going to your tomato festival? Isn't it a bit rich of you to tell us not to go when you're off having fun by yourself?" Ishigami calls out Chika's selfishness.

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