Pride lands

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After leaving Halloween Town, they returned to the space, heading for the next gate and after dealing with that, they made it to the next world. The next world looked like a deteriorated savanna with a huge rock on top.

They came out of the teleportation, and when arriving, they didn't look human anymore. Sora became a lion cup, Byleth became a larger lioness, Donald became a bird and Goofy became a turtle. While Donald's and Goofy's heads looked normal, Sora's and Byleth's hairstyle stayed pretty much the same. They even had their hats, crown necklace and headband.

Sora: *looks at himself* Hey! Check us out.

Byleth: *sighs* And again I'm an animal.

They looked around at their surroundings. They were in some kind of a chasm with hot, green liquid flowing through cracks into pools around them, steaming upwards. The sky above them was cloudy, with no sign of the sun.

Sora: This place is kinda creepy, though. *Donald nods*

Suddenly, Goofy made a noise, and they turned to see a hyena standing in front of them. They looked around, and they saw two more hyenas popping up, encircling them.

Goofy: I dunno, Sora. I get the feelin' they might live here.

Byleth: You're right. Because this are neither Heartless nor Nobodies, but hyenas.

Donald: Don't mind us! Just passing through. We won't be any trouble.

Byleth: *mutters* I doubt they would let us.

Shenzi: Don't be silly. We'd love you to stick around for lunch.

Sora: Um...we didn't bring anything to eat.

Banzai: That's not gonna be a problem! *laughs and circles them*

Byleth: *growls* Sora, I think they're referring to us as 'lunch'.

The deranged hyena Ed laughed and licked his chops. Donald looked left and right, then screamed frantically as everyone took off in different directions.

Goofy was waddling as fast as he could, but his tortoise-like body made it hard for him to move fast. Donald flew away with all his might. Sora was having a hard time running on all fours, and he tripped over a crack in the floor, causing him to flip over. Byleth wanted to help them but got surrounded by some hyenas. She fletched her teeth, ready to attack.

Banzai: Going somewhere? *walks towards the flipped-over Sora*

Donald and Goofy were being cornered by a pack of hyenas. Byleth slapped them with her paw away. But the more she defeated, the more came. Banzai was about to take a bite at Sora when they heard a loud roar off in the distance. This drew all of the hyenas' attention.

Banzai: Man, that Scar's got the worst timing.

Shenzi: Just let him roar.

Banzai: Nah, we better go see what he wants. Sounds like he's grumpy enough already.

Shenzi sighed and agreed. The group of hyenas left them alone and took off through the chasm, and disappeared from sight. Sora and the others then gathered together again.

Sora: I dunno what that was about, but I'm glad it's over! *all sigh in relief* And everything's harder on four legs...

Goofy: I found a trick to it. Here lemme show ya.

Byleth: I can help you as well. I've relearned it when we were in Halloween Town.

For the next while, the team were getting use to fighting and walking in their new forms. The moving and fighting got better. After a while they managed to leave the Gorge and found themselves into a rocky area with elephant skeletons everywhere.

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