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So many of u no not many all of u guessed right that sm1 is avu and sm2 is Sid.... Now i m thinking i maid easy to guess

Now let's start

So they left after that , avu went her home Sid wents his ....

Few days passed,
Now avu was sooo happy today because she is getting job in a company she really wanted so now was in car driving towards her home....

Suddenly her car stopped in middle she went out and start checking then she thought that car has problem in engine sp she was thinking that what should she do now because her home is so far from where is get stuck .......

A car was passing from there and the person who was driving car saw avu and came out he was walking to her when she fully saw her and was shocked and with that look ...... He said youuuuuuuu!!!

Avu got scared a Lil and saw him and she was also shocked she also say youu

Avu- why r u following me?? wht r u  trying to do ?? Girl r not safe just because guys like you ..... She was just blabbering when sid shouted

Sid- stoppppp!!! What type of a girl u r like whenever I meet u it's like u always shouts on me like  I came here because I saw your car broke down and you are scolding me
Like seriously

Actually it's my fault I should not come to help u i m sorry i m going help ur self and for ur kind information u can't find vehicle easily here if u r finding so u r just wasting ur time

Bye !!

Avu was started thinking and was really guilty ki he just came to help her and she said so many stupid things i should not say ...

Avu- listen

Sid stopped and turned back

Sid- what happened now ??

Avu- i m really sorry i really didn't mean it but i was really so tensed because of my car ...

Sid- ok fine .

Avu- can u please give me a lift please

Sid melted when she was saying please as it was really cute

Sid- yeah okay come and sit

Avu sat on the back seat when sid said

Sid- ohh hello........ I m not ur driving that u r sitting on back seat come in front seat


They went from there
While driving

Sid- btw hiii i m Siddharth Nigam

Avu- hii i m wait wht Siddharth Nigam CEO of Nigam industry

Sid- u know

Avu- who don't actually i was really happy because i got an job of ur P.A ( personal assistant). There but now i think i messed everything

Sid- ohh good .... But why u think u messed everything

Avu- coz i talk u so wrongly so it's obvious

Sid- ahh cmon when we met that was a normal Siddharth not a CEO of nigam industry i keep my don't mix my personal life with anything so just chillll ur job is safe bas do t shout like this in office

Avu down her face with guilt

Sid-hey cmon i was joking

Avu chuckled

And then avu went her home and sid went his

Thats all for today

Hope u like the chapter

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