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Night Raid Hideout

After explaining the reason for Y/n recruitment, he would soon join them once more after redecorating his personal room. After seeing the other 4 had left for another assignment, he decided to take a seat at the edge of the table.

Najenda: "So, what did you find out about the other target Leone?"

Leone: " Here's the deal. The targets are Oger of the Emperial Guard and Gamal the oil merchant. And according to the Client Gamal bribes oger in case something goes wrong that he pins the blame on someone else.her fiance fell victim to one of this blame pinnings. Lost his life in the process."

With the explanation out of the way, Leone put a large bag of gold coins on the table, saying the female client payed upfront. Tatsumi was surprised and Leone mentioned that she smelled sickly. She thinks she's been selling her body.

Declaring this mission accepted, Najenda lit her cigar.

Leone: "We shouldn't have to much trouble with the oil merchant, but I bet ya oger will be a pain in the Ass. He's a demon and skilled with a sword, even hitmen are scared of him."

Y/n: "Oh I wouldn't worry to much about that old bastard."

Looking to the end of the table, y/n smirked as he pulled the picture of oger toward him with a string and closed his eyes for a moment.

Y/n: "Caption Oger, goes for a night stroll pretty much every night. And on his off days gooes drinking near the palace. It'll be easy to lure him into an Allie pretending to go for an application as an imperial soldier. Once he's out of sight, he's easy pickings. He's big and strong, but slow as a turtle."

Najenda: "But that area is heavily guarded. We can't send Akame, they already know what she looks like."

Leone: "Hellooooo they don't have wanted posters of me yet!"

Akame: "I think we should wait till the others are here."

Y/n: "Aww come on, it'll be easy. You and Leone go after the merchant and Tatsumi takes out Oger."

Tatsumi: "what?!"

Y/n: "Aren't you an 'Expert Swordsman? I'm sure you can handle it. And if not, I'll come with you clean up behind you.dont forget, you gotta kill him. Can you do that?"

Tatsumi: "I did it once..."

Akame: "You were blinded by rage that night. Can you kill a person under any circumstances without stoping to think about it?"

Tatsumi: "I don't know...but what if oger is framing another innocent person while the 5 of us argue about it? I know what it's like to lose someone for no good reason. I don't want anyone else to feel like that."

Najenda: "Then it's settled. I admire your conviction. Take him down. Y/n you will Standby in case something goes wrong."


Emperial Capital

As dusk started to set in, Y/n and Tatsumi stood outside the entrance to where over will be coming by soon. Akame and Leone were already on their way to take out the merchant while the two others stepped inside.

Y/n: "I'll be watching you from the roofs, don't worry boy, if things go south, I'll take over."

With that, y/n almost immediately disappeard and started to watch tarsi from above as he approached Oger in the crowd. From the looks of things, he did a good job luring him to the Alley Y/n described to him. He quickly turned and went onto his knees begging to be allowed to join the emperial guard.

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