14. Who are you☆

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This chapter gonna be long




Nanon's POV

It's been 8 days since I ignored him both as Nanon and Jasmine I took leave for 10days from hospital making an excuse not to see his face the only reason why I am still staying in that hospital is because of Buttercup once she have her surgery I will resign from the hospital. I thought he would not care if I start ignoring him but to my suprise now he is following me and messaging me everytime......... So he needs me as a friend in his life okay then I will be his friend but he will be more than friend to me for my life ,he doesn't want to lose me even the same goes with I don't want to lose him too, that day when I witnessed him going near to death I couldn't imagine my life without him , now atleast we will be friends for life and I can be with him as friend ,as I was thinking I heard a knock on my door I know it's Ohm I ignored it......

Ohm : Hey idiot you there ?

Nanon :  . . . . . .

Ohm : I know you are in there now open the door.

Nanon(opening the door) : What ?

Ohm : You don't look like you have eaten ,if you don't eat you will die so I got you food.

Nanon : Thanks for your concern but you can have that. ( Tries to close the door but Ohm keeps his hand in the middle)

Ohm : I am a doctor I don't like my patients dying.

Nanon : I am not your patient.

Ohm : You are.

Nanon : I am not.

Ohm : Since you live infront of my house and as I am a doctor it's my responsibility to look after my personal patient.

Nanon : I don't need anyone to take me as a responsibility.

Ohm : Nanon please let me in we need to talk.

Nanon let's Ohm in : Talk fast.

Ohm : mskamsksmsjdneksldk

Nanon : What?

Ohm : You asked to talk fast so I did.

Nanon : Please ohm I am not in the mood to joke around.

Ohm : that's because you have weakness now have this if you don't then I will feed you.

Nanon : No need I have hands.

Nanon was done having his dinner.

Ohm : Can we be friends?

Nanon : why do I need to be your friend?

Ohm : So , that as friend I can get rid of that stupid you are liking and he is not liking you back.

Nanon : Not just a stupid , idiot , moron , dickhead  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Ohm : Emmm Okay Okay he is all those things now can we be friends ?

Nanon : Okay.

OhmNanon being friends

Ohm's POV

As I expected he is really understanding not like everyone else we are together as friends was good thing for me because he values the friendship of us , he never says NO to me not even for once that I got to know when we went to Ice cream shop once I was having my chocolate ice cream he is also a chocolate lover we had our ice creams but I was craving for mint chocolate too when I finished having ice cream I brought another mint chocolate ice cream because I love chocolates whatever dish chocolate has I want to try it. He warned me not to have the ice cream but I just wanted to try I took a bite it was good for me Nanon was shocked to see my loving face. I asked him to try he didn't said NO he had it at that time his face was so funny because he was resisting the taste not to throw it up. I told him it's okay throw it up but he said fine it was not that bad tho-
Nanon as a company was warm he is talkative person and I am calm I like to listen his stories and the way he acts he is funny , he is emotional , he is attractive in every ways even the personality he has so good I wonder why still he have not yet become an actor the talent he has literally shocks me everyday. He can change his voice too and the thing is he is good with his hands he cooks well , damn the hottest thing about him is he can solve cube like in seconds , he can rotate knifes, coins extra with his hands I asked him once why you are so good with hands he laughed and said it's basic quality which should be in an Actor like many people gets attracted by talent then beauty , What he said makes sense but the only problem with Nanon is he nags a lot , he swears a lot , he also smokes  and that's not a big deal cause it's Normal. I started adjusting myself around him that eventho I am not a smoke person but I don't hate Nanon smoking ,as a doctor I want to warn him but it's okay cause he only smokes when he is nervous or tensed with his auditions. I still don't know much about him because he keeps a lots of secrets and I don't want to make him uncomfortable around me.

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