Chapter 4

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His left hand stroked my right cheek as his eyes followed the action. The skin beneath his touch was burning and I didn't know why! I tried to focus on keeping a stern face but all I could think about was how amazing his eyes looked up close. They were deep and dark, I swear I could almost get lost in them! He put his weight on my body and goodness I don't know how my knees were withstanding all the pressure I was getting!

I started to breath really heavily and my eyes dilated as I looked in his eyes, his gorgeous eyes! His hand travelled from my ear, down my cheek and finally outlined my jaw. He leaned in closer until our noses were touching. My heart beat started to accelerate, my mouth parted and I was losing control! He stepped back and looked straight into my eyes. Almost as if he was asking for permission to go further. I didn't say anything. I just looked down to his lips then looked up again to his eyes. I couldn't help myself! I longed to see how red they would turn when he was turned on! In fact it looked as if he was drinking blood! Not to mention they had swollen a little bit. But it was a mistake!

He took my action as a 'go ahead' and continued with his assault! He brought up his right hand and both went through my hair as he stepped close enough to make our lips touch. He continued digging his hands through my hair which made me close my eyes and enjoy the moment. With my eyes closed my other senses doubled their accuracy. I could feel his breath on my lips and his nose drawing on my skin. I could almost taste the mint in his breath as it fanned my lips. I could smell his amazing cologne, That played around my nose. I could feel his fingers getting tangled up in my hair! This was amazing! I wanted it to last forever...

I thought things couldn't get any better, until he made contact. His red swollen lips met with my skin just below my ear. I was so aroused, that I let a tiny moan escape my lips. He got even more  turned on, that he leaned on me even more, leaving absolutely no distance between us. He kissed the same spot several times then licked it. He then moved lower and lower down my neck until he was right above my collar line. I bit my lip to try and hold in another moan but my efforts were unsuccessful. He harassed my skin as he made his way. Licking and nibbling, leaving a trail of love behind... Wait! A trail of love?? The fuck doesn't even know my favourite colour and I'm talking of love?? Was I mad?? His plan was working!!

I pushed him off and swung to slap him in the face but he caught my arm. I looked at him in fear, I didn't know what he would do next! I was scared! But he looked at me with satisfaction! He had me right where he wanted me! He brushed the hair on my face to it's previous position then smiled a cocky smile.
"I would like to watch the stars with you. Tomorrow I'll come over at 11 and maybe just maybe I can cause your sweet skin to burn red again." His voice barely a whisper as he finished his sentence in my ear. I wanted to scream and telling him to get off me, but there was something in his voice that made me stay put. I wondered to my self why such a douchebag like him would interest himself in someone like me. Hopefully tomorrow he would tell me why!

"See you soon beautiful!" He leaned in and kissed my cheek, then exited with a satisfied smile beaming of his face. I was too shocked at what had happened to move or say anything. So I just watched him enter his car and drive off. I was a little bit confused at what he was hiding but I decided to not let that get to me. As soon as his car had driven out of sight I went to my bedroom, passing my annoying family with their annoying questions about why I was so late in the process. "Guys I'm really tired I just need to sleep please, Goodnight!"

The first thing I did when I reached my room was look in the mirror. He said he would make my skin burn red again?? He would have only said that if my skin was already red. And sure enough it was! My neck was glowing red! The skin just below my right ear was almost purple even! OMG!! Austin just gave me a hickey!! I just had to tell someone! I went on my bed and thought about group calling John and kiara and tell them everything, but I knew better than that. John would get jealous and probably not talk to me for a week! And Kiara with her bitchy ways would try and get Austin all to herself! I thought about telling my family, but that would only ruin me! My mum would automatically think marriage was round the corner, and Tara would be a pain in the butt teasing me all the time! Did I really have no one to tell my secret about?? Wow, I really am alone...

I took a bath, a long bubbly one and thought about my miserable life. I originally wanted to get lost in the scents of my bath bombs but my memory decided against that! It wanted me to relive every single moment I had with Austin! When he apologised, when he confessed he was hiding something, when he pinned me up on his car, when he kissed me, when he called me beautiful... Someone else today called me beautiful. It was john! Oh shit I completely forgot about the meet up I was having with john! I'll have to cancel it or maybe- actually there'll be no need for that! I just have to make sure I'm home before 11! Easy and simple! Now that I think about it, john was picking me up at 4 to go watch a movie then hang out. So I can still have fun with him for like four hours and still be incredibly early for Austin! Wonderful! I just have to make sure no one finds out or everything will crumble!

I sank deeper into my bathtub until only my nose and eyes were visible. My hair was in a bun and I pondered letting it lose and soak it all wet. I decided against though, I had had a long day and I just wanted to sleep. I didn't feel like drying my locks for thirty minutes. After another 10 minutes I jumped out of the bath and got ready for bed. I entered bed and tried to sleep but one thing hindered me from entering dream land-

"So what if I'm hiding something! Maybe its not for you to know right now, maybe you won't believe me if I told you!"

What's he hiding??👻

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