2 • love?

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"fell in love?"

I chocked on air "w-what's with the sudden question?" I ask trying to sound normal "I'm curious"

"well , I have...once"

"may I ask with who?"

"ok then I'll tell you since your the only one I can actually trust , well you see my partner , I mean ex-partner were best friends since middle school then I gained feelings for him , and turns out he felt the same , so we dated for a while , it was ok at first but it got weird after that , he ignored me at school and pretended I didn't even exist , every time I tried to talk to him at school , we would just ignore me and when we are somewhere else for example - my home , he would pretend nothing is happening in school and whenever I ask him about it he would always say 'your just over reacting' or 'why do you care so much?' then we had a huge argument , then I figured out he cheated on me so we broke up"

"oh I'm sorry for asking"

"no it's ok , we broke up 2 years ago"

I smiled and he smiled back , our food came then we started eating , after we finished we started waking around the park , holding hands..he still didn't want to let go ;( anyway talking about random stuff  then we got in car and drove me home.

we arrived at my home , "thanks for tonight felix I had fun today" "me too , we'll see you at school jinnie!" I wave at him and walk inside , then I realized what I called him , I lean on the door with my hands on my face "jeez.." I muttered quietly

hyunjin pov
I arrived at the house , quiet and peaceful "that's not normal" I go yeji's room and hear soft sobbing "guys? What happen-" both of them look up with red eyes , I ran to them and hugged both of them

"shh it's ok..tell me what happened"

"m-mom and d-dad got in a car crash..just 1 hour ago , the hospital called and told us that they didn't survive.." yeji says while ni-ki sobs on my shoulder, I stay silent for a while and I feel a tear drop running down my face

hours past and I am still in the room trying to calm my siblings down , ni-ki's head buried in my shoulder while yeji's head is on my chest then me.. I didn't have anything to say , I had mixed emotions - sad , confused and happy , our parents were only here for weeks then they leave but they took care of us for sometime and now they are gone , we will never see them again.

I woke up to the sun in my face , yeji's head on my shoulder and ni-ki's head on my lap , all of us with messy hair and dried tear stains on our eyes , I managed to remove them from my shoulder and lap went to the bathroom , washed my face and got ready , i went out to clear my head and I saw Felix under a cherry blossom tree , I wanted to go to him but hesitated, I walked the other way then found a quiet spot in the grass with a tree , I sat under it and started thinking 'why did they leave now?' 'couldn't they just visit us for once' , thoughts going through my head then the next thing I knew it I started tearing up , I hugged my knees and started sobbing quietly , I didn't really care if people were judging me I just wanted to let my emotions out.

end of hyunjin pov
felix walked around and saw figure under a tree hugging it's knee's shaking a bit , felix went up to it "hey are you ok?"  it looked up and it was..hyunjin , with red eyes , tears stains on his cheeks and shaking lips(?) , Felix looked at him with a worried look "hey.. what happened? are you ok?" "m-my parents..died in a car crash , just yesterday" hyunjin said pulling felix into a tight hug , felix returned the hug and caressed his hand to hyunjins  brunette hair , hyunjin sobbed more loudly and that made felix hug him tighter "hyunjin-ah its ok..shh you'll be ok" Felix said caressing his hand to hyunjin's hair , felix whispered positive things to hyunjin's ear and it made hyunjin calm down a bit "i-it hurts lix" , felix stayed silent while hyunjin's sobs got quieter.

they stayed like that for a while in silence until felix broke it "you want me to come over to your house? , yk to calm you down" hyunjin softly nodded , they both got up and went to hyunjin's house , felix was amazed by his house , he knew hyunjin was rich but he didn't know he was that rich! (A/N - I sound like a idiot rn) "do you live alone?" felix asks , hyunjin leads Felix up stairs , they arrive at a room then hyunjin opens it quietly to reveal 2 people on the bed sleeping peacefully "are those your siblings?" hyunjin's nods and they both go inside , hyunjin closes the door and they both sit on the coin (inside the bed room)

"the girl's name is yeji , you might have saw her in school and she is 18 and the boy is ni-ki he is only 14 so he is still in high school"

"you guys really look alike , it's scary"

"Have you never seen siblings before?"

"n-no it's just that , I never seen siblings look alike this much , you guys are like triplets" 

hyunjin chuckles a bit and looks at his siblings

"yeji was 15 and ni-ki was 11 when our parents left us for business stuff they don't really remember anything that happened during that time." hyunjin says trying to hold back his tears , "I was the one who had to take care of them and I was only 16 , I did everything while my parents travel the world for 3 fucking years and never came to see us , they only came of it was important , I don't even know why I am sad that they died , I should be happy right? , but no , I can't believe I was waiting for them to come back after 3 years , when we needed them the most they left."

tears were forming in hyunjin's eyes and he broke down crying , Felix went closer to him and rubbed his back , hyunjin snuggled into Felix's chest and closed his eyes , felix has this familiar feeling in this stomach..was he falling for hyunjin? no maybe he is just flustered from the sudden touch.

or maybe he was falling in love.

felix removed the thought from his head and closed his eyes to rest

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