13 • hello again

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Felix and hyunjin were cuddling on their bed then a phone rang , lix stood up and grab the phone "hello?" he says "hello is this uhh...Felix?" Felix didn't recognize that voice so he was a bit calm

"yes it is and you are?"

"I'm sorry I can't tell"

"oh ok why did you call me?"

"oh yes someone wanted me to tell you this"


"hello again felix , I always wanted to tell you this , I have liked you since the day we met , it was love at first sight. we were best friends in Australia , but then you moved to Korea so I did too, ever since you found that boy you never texted me..called me , I was you best friend and now you replaced me with that boy..oh felix you will be mine soon.

from : Lucas"

"That's all sir"

"O-oh ok thank you" then he hung up

Felix put the phone done processing what just happened forfeiting hyunjin was beside him "you ok hun?" Hyunjin says sitting up too "y-yes I am ok hyunjin" Felix says forcing a smile on his face but hyunjin didn't by it "there is something wrong felix , you just forced a smile I could tell" hyunjin says and Felix'a smile fades quickly then he stays quiet "it's ok if you don't wanna tell me , I'll be here when you need me ya?" hyunjin says pulling Felix in a hug and lix hugs back "thank you hyunjin.." Felix says burying his head into the crook of hyunjin's neck

thank you.

very short chapter again no ideas 👍👍👍

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