What Did You Do?

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Jin Guangyao fall down to his knee, "er Ge, I'm sorry for everything I have done. Thing that already happen can't be change."

"Of course they can't be change, you done enough damage to your family and Jin Ling parents. You left him an orphan!" Jiang Cheng shouted at Jin Guangyao.

"Hey Jin Guangyao, why don't we cut the chit chat and just start fighting and killing each other huh?" Wei Wuxian asked Jin Guangyao who is still kneeling in front of Lan Xichen.

"Er Ge, we have known each for many year now. I will give up my position as Xiandu, Sect leader and I will give up my Yin Hufu to you. I will leave from here and never come back, just please give me another chance."

Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng looked at each other and then back to Lan Xichen. They wonder what will Lan Xichen do, will he let Jin Guangyao go or wil he put him in the dungeon of Cloud Recesse.

"Jin Guangyao, I have told you many time before, if you ever try to be siege the burial mound again. Don't you ever ever call me er ge, never again," Lan Xichen said this while looking down at Jin Guangyao.

"Er Ge! At the burial mound I was only doing it at the moment of my weakness, I know it was a huge mistake. Once I did what I did, there is no turning back for me."

Lan Xichen look down at Jin Guangyao with anger in his eye, "what do you mean there "no turning back" you-" Lan Xichen didn't get to finish what he is about to said when Lan Wangji interrupted him, "Xiong zhang, don't talk to him. You know what he will do if you talk to him for too long."

"Lan Wangji is right Zewu Jun. You did tell Sect leader Jiang not to talk to him for too long. Let's just save our breath," Wei Wuxian looked at Lan Xichen, who is still looking down at Jin Guangyao with full of anger in his expression.

Jin Guangyao grab a hold of Lan Xichen cloth, "Er Ge, please believe me, everything I said is the truth." Lan Xichen didn't want to look at Jin Guangyao anymore, he move his head back up to look straight up ahead.

"Er Ge, there is something I want to tell you, something no one else know about. I recently received a threatening letter.

Lan Xichen loo back down at Jin Guangyao, "What do you mean a letter? Who gave it to you?"

"I don't know who it is but in the letter they said that if I don't tell everyone the truth they will expose my crime or they will execute me in seven days."

Jiang Cheng finally understand why Jin Guangyao want all of the clan to be siege the burial mound again, "that is why you want all of the clan to go to the burial mound to be siege Wei Wuxian again. In Seven day, those clan leader and disciple will be too tire and too drain to even hold you accountable after the siege at the burial mound."

"Since when did you become like this Sect leader Jin? Since when did you become a murder, you were never like this when we first met. How could you take thing so far to become a murder? This isn't the way to fix thing!" Lan Xichen shouted at Jin Guangyao with anger in his voice.

"I didn't have any other choice! I don't want my crime to be expose! I don't want any rumor to spread across the cultivation world! If everyone know I will be the laughing stock of the whole cultivation world as well! If I kneel down to them and apologize, they will say more bad thing about me! Er Ge! Is either them or me."

Lan Xichen has become even more angry now, he couldn't believe what Jin Guangyao is saying, "All of this happen because of you! If you never done any of this foul deed, then no one will hold any evidence against you!"

"I won't deny all the thing that I have done." Jin Guangyao said this as tears running down his face.

"You won't deny anything that you have done?!" Lan Xichen is beyond angry now.

"Er Ge, you won't believe in me anymore right?" Jin Guangyao asked Lan Xichen.

Lan Xichen went down in front of Jin Guangyao, "then let me ask you this, you better tell me the truth, nothing but the truth."

"Xiong zhang!" Lan Wangji warned his brother, "Wangji, I know what I am doing. I will be careful, trust me?"

Wei Wuxian looked at between the two Lan brothers, "Hanguang Jun, you should trust your brother."

"If you know that Qin Su is your sister, why didn't you stop the wedding? Why did you go through with it?"

Just like before all Jin Guangyao can said is, "I have no other choice" or "I can't refuse the marriage."

"What do you mean you have no other choice?! It is your marriage, you have a choice to marry her or not! Not going through with marrying the girl is much better then destroying a girl who love you and respect you with all her heart, isn't that right?"

"Er Ge! I did love her with all my heart. I know it was my marriage, I put a lot of effort and length into asking her father for her hand in marriage. But when the day of our wedding, both Qin Cangye and Jin Guangshan didn't let me call off my wedding."

"A-Yao!" Lan Xichen slapped Jin Guangyao very hard across his face. This surprise everyone in the temple. As Lan Xichen stand up, he asked Jin Guangyao, "I will forgive you for your first two crime but let me ask you this? How about Jin Zixuan? Do not play chicaneries with me, you better tell me the truth. How did you single handedly kill Jin Zixuan?"

Lan Wangji look over at Wei Wuxian who is looking at Jin Guangyao with his eye wide. Jin Ling is the same, the uncle that raise him, is the person who kill his father.

"It is true, I didn't run into Jin Zixuan by accident," this got Wei Wuxian, Jin Ling and Jiang Cheng wondering what in the world did he do to Jin Zixuan.

"What did you do?" Wei Wuxian dropped Jin Guangyao sword, he went over to Jin Guangyao grabbed him by his shirt collar, "What the heck did you do?! What did you do to Jin Zixuan?! Tell me!? What did you do to Jin Ling father!?" Wei Wuxian shouted at Jin Guangyao.

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