Chapter 4

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My fingers skim the pages of my book as I slowly blink. I sigh and rub my tired eyes.
I mark the place I'm at in the book and set it aside.
I glance at the clock beside me that reads 2 am.
Looking away, I decide it's time to sleep. I pull away the covers for me to get into.
I flick my hand as the lights go out and I snuggle to get warm.
I turn my body towards the window and frown.
It's an unusually quiet night in Gotham. I wonder if anything is going to happen.
My thoughts go back to Dick as I wonder what he's up too.
Did he go back to Jump or is he with Bruce?
My communicator sits on my night stand next to my book as if waiting for me to open it.
I rub my eyes again and soon enough sleep takes me.

"So you're Raven, huh? And here I thought you would be more scary."
"And you're the new Boy Wonder. And here I thought you would have some manners."
A grin escapes his lips as he watches me.
"Well it looks like you're stuck with me. As I'm taking over Dick's position."
"Oh goody. I am so thrilled." I say as sarcasm drips from my voice.
I close my book and begin to walk away when he stops me.
"Don't worry. You'll come to like me eventually."
I roll my eyes and continue walking away, "I highly doubt it."

I am awoken to the sound of explosions as my room shakes.
I look out the windows to see fire and smoke in the distance and the screams of citizens.
Police sirens fill the air and more explosions go off.
I jump out of bed and snap my fingers as my civilian clothes appear on me. I look back at my communicator and then grab it and put it in my pocket.
I grab my jacket on the way out the door and run out into the streets to see people running wildly.
"It's the Red Hood! He's attacking the city!" People shouted.
I frown then decide that I needed to get up to the roofs. I move into an alley and fly up so I'm not seen.
I look around and follow where the most recent explosion happened.
I fly through the cold night and stop as I see a helicopter loose control and fall in between buildings at an alarming rate.
I stretch my hands out as I feel my powers envelope me.
"Azarath Metrion Zinthous!"
My mantra stops the helicopter midair before it could land on the ground.
I raise my hands up and set it back on the building it came from. I release my power as it sets back on the helipad.
Suddenly, another explosion rocks the city as it comes from the train station.
I fly towards it to see a few figures in the distance.
I narrow my eyes as I see a familiar black cape and a black and blue suit.
I land a few feet away and watch as Batman and Nightwing go toe to toe with the so called Red Hood.
He blocks many of their blows and it's proven that he has been trained properly.
I watch as the Red Hood pulls out a small remote and it detonates a part of the train station.
I move out of the way and when I stand up, I see that the Red Hood is gone and so are Dick and Bruce.
Before leaving, I check for any people who may be trapped but there is no one.
I leave the train station and see that the previous explosions are dealt with and the city begins to calm once more.
I gently land on the roof of my apartment and stare out into the city.
My thoughts go back the the Red Hood as I replay his fight with the Dynamic Duo. Whoever he was trained by has to be either military or assassins. Maybe both.
And the way he fought them with ease, it proves he knows what he is doing.
What is he planning?
"Hello there."
I whip around as I come face to face with the Red Hood.
I begin to summon my power but stop myself. Does he know me as Rachel or Raven?
"Who are you?" I ask.
He tilts his head and puts his hands in his pockets.
"I'm sure you know that already."
"What are you doing here?" I ask as I discreetly grab my communicator to send an alert to Dick.
"I heard a lot about you actually. You work in a book store not to far from here and you visit the cemetery every few months. You keep to yourself and live a normal civilian life. I admit it took me awhile to find you and to think you've been here this whole time. But let's be clear, we both know that's not who you actually are, Raven."
My eyes widened in disbelief when suddenly he moves and grabs my hand that reached for my communicator.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
I push him back with my power and he lets out a small grunt as he steps back.
"How do you know who I am?" I ask as I ready to attack him.
"It's simple. I know a witch when I see one."
I frown and let my powers surround me as he stands there, waiting for my move.
I reach out a clawed hand at him but he step sides and pulls out a gun and begins firing at me.
I put up a barrier to block the blows and rush at him.
I come at him with a roundhouse kick which he blocks and as I throw more punches and blows embedded with magic, he deflects them all until he grabs my wrist and twists it behind my back.
I struggle in his grasp as his hold tightens on me.
"I see you still got it in you after all these years."
"What are you on about?" I snap as I lean my head back and head butt his helmet.
He releases me and I hold him in the air with a clawed hand.
He grunts in pain but chuckles as he peers down at me.
"I have a feeling I'll be seeing you later on."
He throws something at my feet and a blinding white light goes off.
I cry out and shield my face and release him.
Suddenly I feel a sharp pain enter my neck and I'm meeting the ground.
Before I meet my demise, a rough hand grabs my arm and pulls me back to the roof.
I am laid on the ground and something is placed in my hand.
"Until we meet again."
Then I am greeted by darkness.

I frown as a beeping sound fills my head.
Where am I?
I force my eyes to open and regret it as I am met with blinding lights.
"Well look who's awake."
I turn my head to see Dick sitting in a chair with his leg bandaged.
"What happened?"
I ask as I sit up. My head begins to pound as I hiss in pain.
"Red Hood attacked the city and Bruce and I tracked him down to the train station. I hurt my leg in the process but as we continued to search for him, I got a signal from your communicator. I found you unconscious on the roof of your building. I brought you to the cave to heal."
I frown as my recent memories play.
"He knows who I am. Not as Rachel but as Raven."
"Did he reveal anything to you?"
"No. Just that he's been looking for me for a while. I tried to fight him off but he had the upper hand."
I look around the bat cave and stop at the glass case displays.
My eyes stop at the one with Jason's and I look away.
I get up from the bed and walk towards Dick.
I lay my hands upon his injured leg and begin to slowly heal it.
We sit in silence as the only sounds are a few screeching bats, a nearby heart monitor, and the sound of my healing powers.
After I finish healing his leg, I look up at Dick's eyes and stand up.
"I don't know what this Red Hood wants from me, but I want to know. I want to know what he's after and what part I play in his game. I'll do it. I'll become a Titan again."
Dick's eyes light up and gives me a real, bright smile.
"But after this is all said and done, I'm going back to the way things were. Once I find out who the Red Hood is, I'll be living a normal life again. Understand?"
Dick laughs and brings me into a hug, "I got it. Loud and clear. It's good to have you back, Rae!"
I return his hug and sigh.
I hope I won't regret my decisions.

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