Knot the tie

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The nikkah was not a grand one and the tie was knotted in less than one hour. Yasmeen looked beautiful in a beige gown with a coffee hijab. Aryan couldn't help but admired her from afar and so also Yasmeen who couldn't her but admired his handsomeness. Pictures where taken together with all the family and after that the groom will be back to take his bride in the evening.

When Yasmeen saw the groom's men and uncle have left so also her relatives . She decided to make the hours she got free to use.

It was around 12:00pm that Yasmeen left home to the prison. Not a moment after she left a call came through the landline of the house. Jalilah quickly made her way to the table and picked it up.

"SalamuAlaikum who is on the line?". She asked and she heard a male voice

"Waalaikum salam Jalilah.It is Yazeem Aryan's uncle.I called to ask about Yasmeen I want to talk to her about something."

"Oh Mr.Yazeem?Ayah Yasmeen went out,she went to the prison".

"Prison?what for?". He asked and Jalilah answered earnestly not knowing she had revealed an important thing to the enemy.

"Oh that I don't really have that much idea but she said something about meeting a goon.Yes a goon from the mafia world". Yazeem didn't reply right away as he was still processing her words

"Alright Jalilah thank you for this. Allah Hafiz."

"Allah Hafiz". She said and placed back the phone.

The sound of Yasmeen's pumps shoes echoed through the hall way. She had changed to her usual black skirt,white blouse,black hijabi and ash top coat. She decided to visit the jail to interrogate a particular goon.

  "I am here to visit Michael Zeus".
Yasmeen showed her badge to the officer in charge and she was escorted to the visitation room.

  "Inspector Azan you have to sign here". An officer brought a hard cover book where she wrote her name and signed.

The prisoner Michael Zeus got inside the room with another officer trailing behind him. His hands were handcuffed as he plumped himself to the chair opposite Yasmeen. There was a glass barrier between them except for the holes where they can talk.

   "What bring you back,I told you last time I won't be seeing you again".Michael Zeus sneered as he looked at Yasmeen's stoic expression.

     "Inspector will you be okay by yourself". The officer concernedly asked and Yasmeen faintly nodded. The officer excused himself leaving the only two of them.

      "I came to ask some questions and you gonnah answered them because I am not here to waste any of my time ".

   "Hhh,you've already wasted it since you are here. what are you going to do if I don't cooperate." He lightly scoffed,his yellowish dirty teeth showing.

    "You're going to cooperate".

     "And how would you make me do that."He challenged

     "You've a have a daughter and a wife that you love so much right?".

     "Why are you suddenly asking me this".

     "How will you feel when you saw their lives turning upside down? Not having where to live,the food to eat,a bed to sleep?". Questioned Yasmeen,and she found Michael Zeus staring into her eyes as if looking for something.

"You emphasize justice why are you doing this".

"Well...Sometimes it takes one or two for someone to spill out the beans". She drawled and leaned forward to the counter.

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