𝐈. 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛𝐬

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Mornings have always been one of your favorite things in the world. Whether it was seeing the subtle, golden rays of sunshine slipping in through your bedroom window or hearing the gentle melody the birds sang in the early hours of the morning. Or perhaps, it had to do with the feeling of waking up and being encased in a familiar warmth; the arms of your favorite person wrapped comfortably around your body. The soft feeling of skin-to-skin contact making you feel secure and safe as he snuggled his face into the crook of your neck, pulling you closer into his side. The feather-light snores tumbling past his lips, seemingly tickling your neck.

Either way, waking up in the arms of Kakashi Hatake was something you always cherished.

But lately, that same warmth that once provided you a great sense of protection and security has now grown cold and distant. Instead, it felt as if a ghost filled the vacant space beside you in your once shared bed.

By now, you should've learned to not expect something as trivial as waking up with Kakashi by your side. Yet every morning you wake up with a sense of hope, a small part of your heart wishing that this morning would be the one to change your recent routine of waking up alone in an empty house. But alas, that hope quickly dissipates once again as the unoccupied space beside you stares back at you; almost tauntingly, completely untouched.

Another night at the office, you assume.

This morning would be no different than those of these past few weeks. Pushing your thoughts aside, you opted to get up and start your morning.

Rising out of bed, you quickly made your side of the bed. You looked over to his side, not having to worry about it considering the soft white linens and comforter were still neatly tucked in from a few nights before. A frown formed on your face when you realized you couldn't quite recall the last time you and Kakashi had slept in the same bed together. Sometimes you'd be ready to head out the door on your errands or assigned missions only for him to waltz in, giving you a quick "hello" and a masked kiss on the cheek before crashing on the couch or making his way up to your room to sleep.

Continuing on with your morning, you changed out of your cozy pajamas and into some comfy casual clothing along with your kunai holster wrapped securely around your thigh, just in case. You grabbed your headband and tied it around your forehead comfortably, securing any fly away hairs before getting ready to head out. Though you had nothing important to do today, it was too beautiful of a day to not enjoy some much needed time outside the confines of your home. Perhaps you'd run down to the market to pick up some fresh produce, maybe even join Kurenai or Anko afterwards for a couple of drinks. One thing you knew for sure though was that you did not want to be alone with your thoughts inside this empty house all day.


The atmosphere of the fruit market never failed to bring you a sense of serenity. You had always loved to come shopping with your family or friends when you were a child. The vendors all knew you by your name, due to how regular of a customer you had become over the years. As odd as it may sound, you could spend hours just walking around shopping and making casual conversation with the kind merchants who had set up their stands that day. It was moments like these that made you proud to be a shinobi of Konoha. Listening to their stories filled you with a sense of pride and contentment, knowing that you and your fellow shinobi fought to be able to help cultivate such peaceful time for village residents.

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