Eternal Night- the Return and Downfall

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-4 days before the Summer Sun Celebration-

Celestia's POV

I was walking down the halls of my castle, it was midnight and I couldn't sleep I was seeing the signs of Nightmare Moon's return and I knew Twilight and Sunrise would have their own suspicions as well, but I have been trying to reassure them that Nightmare Moon was just an old pony's tale, but I knew they both knew better and I let out a sigh as I walk past Sunrise's quarters, but as I did I heard a yell of terror and then a loud thud which caused me to quickly open the door and on the floor was Sunrise drenched in sweat his magic activated and was ready to attack whatever he saw until he saw me and he quickly and shakily got up. "P-Princess Celestia I-Im sorry d-did I disturb you?" He asked as he bowed. "No Sunrise you didn't I was taking a midnight stroll around the castle, are you alright, was it the same nightmare?" I asked him and he looked down. "The one about my parents yeah it was, but there was something else." He said and when he said there was more I motioned him to walk with me and I walk around the castle I was concerned because he hasn't gotten a whole lot of sleep as of late and he knew that.

"I had fallen into a mirror and there was this big building that looked like a school and then I saw Twilight and a few others and infront of me I saw Sunset but it was so weird she said something about an Element of Magic now being in her hands which I didn't understand and then she put it on and then turned into this big She Demon and before I could do anything she used an attack to push me into a void and then I landed on the ground and it seemed like the ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters and then infront of me this time was Nightmare Moon and I saw the Elements of Harmony all in little shards." Sunrise began to explain and I was both intrigued and disturbed we were now in the flower garden the same garden as I saw Sunrise's mother for the last time.

"Sit with me Sunrise." I said and he does as he's told. "What you saw wasn't a nightmare exactly, atleast I don't think." I said and then he looks up at me with confusion. "I think what you had were visions into the future." I said and Sunrise's eyes widen and looked down as if trying to find a way to react. "All beings that are very much magically sensitive demon, pony or otherwise, if they are strong in magic there's a possibility of seeing the future through visions and dreams, you Sunrise have demon AND angelic roots so you are very strong with magic just because of your heritage, if used right you could be as powerful if not more powerful than Starswirl the Abearded, both you, Sunset and believe it or not Twilight have that capability, because Twilight has such a knack in magic that most Unicorns don't have at her age." I explained to him and he looked at his hoof and he chuckled. "I... I don't know how to react to this especially if there's a possibility of seeing my sister again... but also ending up having to fight her too.. I dunno how to put all my thoughts into words."

Sunrise said and I smile softly. "It'll all come to fruition in good time you just have to be patient." I said to him as we sat there, I raised the sun. "Princess if I may be vulnerable for a second, even though you promised mom you'd take care of us if something happened to her and dad, I'm also happy that I was given such an opportunity to meet you and be in the Royal Guard. You were definitely the best motherly figure me and Sunset could've asked for despite what happened." I hear Sunrise say which caused my eyes to widen and I smile softly as he continued on. "I know it was hard to take care of us and considering how the public viewed me and Sunset... well mostly me you stood beside us and still continue to do so now, I just wanted to say thank you, your the best adopted mother a filly could ask for." Sunrise say the last part absent-mindedly and that's when I stop what I was doing and I looked at him in shock and I see him cover his mouth. "A-Ah shoot I said too much, my apologies princess!" Sunrise stammered trying to make sense for the situation and I giggle. "Your quite welcome Sunrise and don't worry I'm not mad." I said and he stopped and then sighs in relief.

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