one-sided love | angst

68 6 6

Female!Pandora x Male!Spotify
Hanahaki disease
Pov Pandora

Dear Diary,
Why is this happening? Why am I coughing up flowers? What is wrong with me? I asked Apple music and even they didn't know, she just told me to see I doctor or search it up, but I'm to scared, too. Maybe I should take their advice...

Pandora closed her diary. She's been feeling worse every single day. She probably should see a doctor. They would be more helpful then the internet.

Pandora didn't want to worry about that right now, so she went back to drawing Spotify. You can say she had a obsession with Spotify, a healthy one. But she knew he didn't like her back, and she was fine with that. She was gonna try anyway.

Next day
Saturday, 10:02 am

Pandora went to doctor's office. She was glad she went. Really glad.

"All of these symptoms match to the HanaHaki disease"

"Hanahaki disease?" Pandora didn't know what it was at first.

"It's when the victim of one-sided love coughs up or vomits petals of a flower growing inside the victims lungs, the flower is most likely your crushes favorite flower. It ends when the one you love returns your feelings or you die. It's a very rare disease, you are, unfortunately, one of the unlucky ones"

Pandora was shocked. She can't believe this is what was happening to her. She started to tear up. She didn't want this to happen. She didn't want to die. But she knew Spotify loved SoundCloud. Even after SoundCloud cheated on him.

Pandora couldn't understand why, but he did.

"Thank you, Dr. Urban"

"You're welcome, Pandora"

10:10 am

She left the place in shock. How could she get Spotify to love her back? She wanted to scream, to cry, but no tear, no sound, at all.

Once she got in her car she started balling her eyes out. Her vision was getting blurry, she started coughing. It was painful and a heart breaking day.

The first person she called was Apple.

"Hello, Pandora?" Apple asked

"A-apple...I have...the Hanahaki disease..."

"Holy shit-"

Monday, 5:00 am

She woke up early just to run to the bathroom to barf up blood and flowers.
She felt even worse.

She couldn't handle this anymore. She just wanted this to end.

7:03 am, at school

"Hey, Pandora!" Spotify shouted

"Oh...hey, Spotify"

It wasn't the same with him being around.

"SoundCloud and I are together again!"

Never again, there was no hope

She started coughing. She started tearing up. It was hard to breathe.

"Pandora! Shit! SOMEONE-"

Everything went dark, all noise went quiet.

??:?? Somewhere

She shot up from where she was. She looked around confused. Apple music was there, sitting in a chair, asleep. She also saw Spotify sitting next to Apple music.

Spotify was on his phone, wearing headphones.

Pandora stared at him, about to cry. There was no hope of him liking her back. She didn't know why or how SoundCloud and him got together, but they did.

Spotify looked up from his phone.

"Oh, your awake! How are you feeling"

Pandora didn't respond, she just kept staring.

"I heard about you I'm guessing shitty..."

Pandora nodded, her mouth felt like it was sewed shut.

He looked away from her.

She looked away from him and layed back down.

She just wanted the pain to stop, for him to love was never gonna happen and she knew that.

Her eyes closed and she felt her body shut down completely. She also saw light.

Beep. Beep. BEEEEEEP.

It was nice while it lasted.


Word count: 620

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