Chapter Eleven

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Arendelle was now a magical marvel instead of the daunting leviathan that had angry and frightened people running and attacking her on sight.

The cobblestone beneath her feet worn down by generations of people who walked along them felt warm to the touch.

The buildings all had life teaming in them. Many voices combined in a cacophonous hum. Elsa was right, humans are like bees.

At first Ryu had been pacing back and forth at the border of the city, not noticing some people watching her wondering if the girl was mental or not.

Before her nerves could send her back to the forest she sprinted passed the border eyes closed and fist clenched.

No screams could be heard, and no arrows were shot. Stares were given though and then turned away when interests waned.

There was a lackadaisical sense of urgency in the air. Everyone was moving quite fast but not in an emergent manner.

People still took the time to talk and chat with one another, or lightly chastise a playing child for bumping into them.

Heavy steps turned Ryu around to spot a man heading straight towards her. She gasped and pressed behind a lamp post.

When he passed the dragon his brows furrowed and lifted to his hairline, shaking his head.

It worked, they have no idea.

Confidence rose within her as she shuffled away going deeper into the city. It struck her though that she had absolutely no idea where the castle was.

If I were a castle where would I live? I guess no where since people would live in me.

She was tempted to ask someone, majority of the people seemed friendly enough but that would mean she'd have conversate with them. What if she screwed up? What if they discovered her?

"Kill her! Kill the dragon!" Hundreds of pitchforks were drawn from what seemed like impossible places. Flowerpots, pockets, tankards.

Ryu backed away bumping against a baby carriage. Looking behind her she saw the baby's mouth morph into a devilish smirk as it raised its pitchfork from under its pillow laughing manically.

She didn't notice a women growing uncomfortable, pinned beneath her distant stare.

"Miss? Ma'am?" When she felt a tap on her shoulder Ryu yelped scrambling to get away, the temporary blindness from her panic made her smash into a post falling backward.

A round face slowly made her way into Ryu's vision looking at her upsidedown. "Are you okay?"

"Uhuh.." Ryu popped up securing Ryder's hat on her head hiding her hair. "Yesu." She bowed respectfully. Either she was perplexed by the girl's phonetics or her manners, maybe both.

"Okay, well um stay out of the sun." The woman's warm voice busted through Ryu's defenses. She glanced up at the heated ball in the sky and could not resist asking. "What's uhh wrong with the sun?"

"Hmm? Oh it can play tricks on you. Are you sure you're alright dear?" What was in the water that made the people in this place so affable?

Ryu nodded slowly and returned the smile careful to not show her fangs. "Have a good day."

She giggled then spoke perhaps too loudly. "You too! Have a good day-ehya!" The woman disappeared into a shop.

Ah damn it, she forgot to ask her.

In front of the shop Ryu read the sign. It was a general store. Her head thudded against the window as she peaked in, hands cupped around her eyes.

The woman possibly heard the noise and turned back to the window. Her eyes traveled left and right awkwardly.

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