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In a job like this, you have to expect the unexpected. But Shaw couldn't have expected the scene in the subway she's just walked into.
Root, an extremely skilled former contract killer and notoriously intelligent computer hacker, is stroking the hair of a sleeping young girl whose head lays in the brunette's lap.


Relieved the number was within jogging range, Root began to pick up the pace, hand hovering over the gun attached to her thigh. it's midday so she couldn't imagine two guns being necessary for this job, because who organises a crime in the middle of the day?

She turns a corner and sees the danger right away - a young girl, presumably around 5, stands alone next to an alleyway entrance. Not much fazes the woman anymore; she's seen it all, yet still, the numbers involving children make her shudder. She stands back at viewing distance to sus out the rest of the pieces, no imminent danger, the machine wouldn't report a lost child, would she? Root quizzically crossed the road, approaching the child, she puts on her friendliest face and crouches down.
"Hey, are you lost?" The child steps away, avoiding eye contact. Root stands back up and takes a step back, understanding the kid is uneasy, in her defence - Root doesn't look like the friendliest woman.
"You're a smart kid, you're right for not talking to strangers - I'm Samantha, but you can call me Sam" She smiles, tilting her head as the small girl examines her face.
"I'm not lost" Mumbled the young girl, now looking towards the ground, anything to avoid the woman in front of her.
"Where are your parents? Are they around here? I can walk you to the-"
"I don't know"
Root crouches down again, meeting the young brunette's height.
"That's okay. Do you want to take a walk with me, maybe we could find them together"
The girl just shuffled, obviously still deciding if Root was safe or not, she had the right idea.
"I don't want to find them"
Root's head turn the other way, scrunching her brows and giving the kid a puzzled look. The young girl turned and headed for the alley, Root watched as she grabbed a small bag from behind a dumpster and came back to her.
"Mummy and Daddy left me, I know because they gave me this and left me here" She holds out the small plastic carrier bag to Root whose face dropped, she searched through the bag filled with a few clothing items, small toys and an unopened envelope hidden between the small pair of jeans.

'To whoever finds our Emily, please know we are not monsters, we can't give her the life she deserves, I lost my job, we're going to lose the house, Emily will lose her childhood. Please find her well and don't take her to the police - I can't afford to go to jail. Please God look after her, she's a smart girl, she's loving and so kind. This is the hardest thing I've ever done, but it will give her a chance. I pray she doesn't remember this, or me.'

Roots stomach churns, she knows this, this feeling of abandonment. She doesn't want Emily to turn out like her. She places the note in her pocket before the girl can see it and smiles.
"How about we get some food? You must be hungry"


Shaw stands meters away, watching the scene as Root catches her gaze. The short brunette throws a hand in the air, to one, display her confusion, and two, not wake the sleeping child. Root smirks and looks down, slowly removing the small head from her lap and recovering Emily with the blanket. She walks towards Shaw who grabs her by the arm and drags her into the small subway car.
"What is that?" Shaw comically referring to the young girl who was cuddled up with Root seconds ago.
"That is Emily" Root smirks, leaning again on the plastic subway seats, tone much softer than Shaws.
"Who is Em- why is Emily- Root, why is there a kid in the subway!" Shaw's baffled expression causes Root a small chuckle, she reaches into her pocket and retrieves the handwritten note she discovered earlier. Angry eyes not leaving softer ones, Shaw grabs the note. The taller woman watches as Shaw reads the note, almost seeing the blood drain from her face, knowing she feels that same feeling when she read the note too.
"So Emily is our new resident until further notice, don't be awkward about it, Sameen. Come on, make her feel welcome." Root places her hands on Shaw's shoulders for a second, smiling at her defeated look and returns to the young girl.

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