May 2nd

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Everyone knew that the Intelligence unit was the most stressed unit in all of the 21st district. It honestly wasn't a surprise either. What with all the high risk cases they caught and all the times they had big brass from Ivory Towers breathing down their backs. But no one was prepared for the phone call Voight received from Commander Crowley one morning.

MAY 2nd

"What! No! We are not doing that!" shouted Voight from his office. It was a Monday morning and it was rather slow for once. The team was catching up on paperwork.

Everyone in the bullpen stopped what they were doing and intently listened to the back and forth between Voight and whoever was on the other side of the call, when they heard defeat from Voight's voice and him hanging up.

Voight got up and approached the doorframe leading into his office and out into the bullpen, he stood and stared at his team before clearing his voice and stating,

"We just got word from Ivory Tower that everyone in this unit is required to attend 1 yoga session this month!"

The cops in the bullpen all stared in blasphemy. There was no way in hell any of them would do yoga-- that's for sissies-- but no one dared to share that thought aloud.

"Sir, what if we don't do it and just pretend we did?" broke Ruzek.

"It's mandatory. Commander Crowley is getting heat for the way we are managing out in the field. And she is tired of having to keep getting Internal Affairs involved with our unit, so she is making us take time and de-stress." shot back Voight.

"Sarg, how is having us de-stress once this month going to solve all the problems brass seems to have with us?" asked Hailey, trusting her voice now that Ruzek voiced his concerns.

"It's not, but I negotiated with her to let us do only one session, she wanted us to do five. So don't push it." retorted Voight back.

"If no one else has any stupid questions, get back to work and figure out when your going to go," added Voight, as he crossed the threshold back into his office and shut the door.

Everyone went back to paperwork thinking about when to go and who to ask to come with. 

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