Faux booty chuck

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I think the chicken thinks she's hot or something

* orange chicken walks around " omg I'm so pretty everyone's staring at my booty "

Little bird : mom why is that chicken wearing food on his butt

Orange booty chicken * juggles buns in the air cuz yanno it's hella boring

Little bird : * pukes omg that mans food butt came off 😷

Orange less butt booty now , cuz YA now the Butt is juggling : why is that little bird puking , maybe cuz I'm too hot for him

"OMG look at that flat booty ahahaha loser"

Orange fake booty : 😂who is that boy talkin bout ? * turns around there's no one behind me , OMG HES LAUGING AT MEH BOOTYS BUNS
* full speed charges the boy bird
" you pukie I will choke ur blubber jerk frog "

Little bird : Ewh ur buns smell like ass crack

Orange fake butt: I am not ashamed cuz every ass has a crack you stupid nugget

Little bird : I'm calling the popo on u because u smell like ass crack you Orange fake McDonalds Big Mac buns turtle fat head

Orange butt: rips buns off * cries

The end

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