What Now...

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Sora came down on the heartless with the Keyblade, hitting four Shadow Heartless, but before he could fight more they all merged with the ground and vanished. "Why did they leave?" Selphie asked going over to Tobias. As she said that, huge armor fell from the sky, "Watch out!" Sora yelled. The armor fell to the ground hard, shaking the area around them. The armor started to float off the ground and come into the shape of a body without the body attachments. "What is that!" Tobias yelled running back to the door with Selphie, "That must be why all the Heartless left." Kairi said trying to help Tobias and Selphie open the door, "It won't open, we have to get away from here." Tobias said still trying to open the door. "If it won't open, look for another way out, I can keep it occupied for awhile." "Your already tired from the last few fights you've had I can help while they look." Kairi said running up next to him. "What are you going to do, you have nothing to fight with?" Sora asked keeping her behind him. "You ,Tobias, and I can all get around it keeping it distracted, while Selphie looks for someplace for us to escape to." Kairi said. "Well I guess, Tobias get over here, just let Selphie look for an escape, we need to keep it distracted." Sora yelled out. Tobias ran over to one of the sides of the Heartless, forming a triangle around it. "Selphie tell us when you find an escape rout." Kairi yelled to her. "Okay, I'll let you know when I find one." Selphie said trying all the doors in the district. Selphie looked for a place for them to get out, and as she did Sora would slash at the Heartless, and dodge to a side while Tobias and Kairi would throw rocks or anything they could find at the Heartless to keep it away from Selphie. "Ahh!" Sora yelled out in pain. "Sora!" Tobias and Kairi both yelled out. Sora had been hit by the Heartless when he went to slash at the left hand of floating armor. "I-I'm okay." Sora said painfully trying to stand up. "I can still... fight." "No. You're too hurt to keep going. Tobias and I can keep it distracted long enough until Selphie finds somewhere for us to get to safety." Kairi said now at his side. "I'm the only one who can do any damage to it though, neither of you can wield the Keyblade." Sora said still trying to sit up. "No, you won't fight it you've done enough for now, it's my turn to do something. Remember... we're in this together." Kairi said laying him down. "No..." Sora said starting to black out. Before he blacked out the last thing he saw was Kairi moving her hand into his where the Keyblade was, the Keyblade vanished and Kairi put out her arm and was able to summon the Keyblade into her own hand. "C'mon!" Kairi yelled to Tobias, they both charged at the Armor Heartless, Kairi weilding the Keyblade. Kairi was a Keyblade wielder. When Sora woke up he was in a red room on a bed. "Where is everybody?" Sora asked himself sitting up in the bed. "Weird dream..." He said getting up. "Ow!" He grabbed his side and fell back on the bed. "I can't stand yet... great." He thrust out his arm causing a bright light and a chime... the Keyblade was still with him. "Good." Sora said with a sigh. Kairi walked in and hugged Sora. "Ow, it's good to see you." He said "Oh, sorry your still hurt." "Yeah, I had a really weird dream that we were stuck in the third district and I got hit by this heartless made of a huge set of floating armor." "Yeah... that was real." Kairi said. "Selphie finally found a way out through a window on the second story balcony of a shop, it wasn't easy but Tobias and I held it off while Selphie dragged you through, then we came in... you've been asleep for two hours." Wow... that all happened. Wait, I saw you summon my Keyblade! How did you do that?" Sora asked shocked. "I don't know, something just told me to do it and well it worked, I tried earlier to summon it but I think that it only worked this time. Tobias took a beating too, he's in the other room right now asleep with Selphie." Kairi said leaning on him with a sigh. "I'm just glad it's over." "Yeah me too." Sora said holding onto her. "Now we can be together again, and not worry." Kairi said kissing him. They sat ther for the rest of the night, holding each other, together. -I_AM_SORA_KIN

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