Drunken State

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I sat in my chair in my new office. I was so excited but trying so hard to contain it. I'm not much for over exaggerating but I don't understand how I can't be happy over this. I got to work for someone I have looked up to for most of my life and I get to be in the office right next to hers. I am currently reading the drafts that Yeji had done. She had about twenty of them and each chapter was like ten pages long so I had my hands full. But I didn't complain because not only do I get to read, but I get to read a book that hasn't even been published yet.

She barely had any mistakes and if she did they were minor. Every word that was written drew me more into the book to the point I didn't even realize there was someone staring at me. I looked up once I heard someone tapping their nails on the desk. I smiled at the receptionist, Lia and smiled. "Hey." I said. She just crossed her arms and looked at me. I'm starting to realize she does that a lot.

"There's something different about you." She said, making me chuckle.

"Everyone seems to say that but not know what exactly is different." She slowly nodded her head.

"Well I'm just saying because you seem to be the only person Yeji has worked with who she doesn't want to kill." I smiled to myself. Lia watched me and she smiled too. I was honestly a little creeped out by this and I could tell from just by looking at her she was one of those kids in school that wasn't exactly a teacher's pet but was helpful and also made people laugh. "You like her don't you?" My eyes went wide and I started choking on air.

"What do you mean? She's married." She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Just because someone is in a relationship doesn't mean you can't like them." I chuckled at her comment.

"Well considering this isn't high school and that person is married, it kind of does." Lia shrugged her shoulders. "Lia, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." I sighed and leaned back in my chair.

"What is Mrs. Hwang like?" Her smile got wider and she sat down in the chair that was on the opposite side of my desk.

"Well, to the eye she's a bitch. She doesn't care about anyone's feelings, she doesn't listen to anyone but herself, and if you died she would laugh." I shifted in my seat a little. "But if you get to know her, she's amazing. She loves surprises even if she says she doesn't, a small gesture like getting her a flower or even remembering what her favorite coffee will make her entire day. You have to understand that Yeji is one of those types of people who doesn't like to express her feelings in front of people, but just as any other human, she has feelings." I looked down and started thinking to myself a little.

When I was little I never really had a phone so I never knew what Yeji looked like. So I had to figure out what type of person she was through her books. Now whenever I did finally have enough money to buy a phone, the first thing I did was look her up. And she was exactly what I thought she was. But in all of her pictures you could tell she was forcing a smile, you could tell she wasn't happy. "Do you not like her husband?" I asked. Lia took a deep sigh and leaned forward.

"Between me and you. Fuck no." I chuckled to myself. "Plus I know that Yeji's gay." I squinted my eyes.

"Then why did she marry a man?"

"Yeji has also tried to please her parents no matter if she admits it or not. I guess she got tired of them always breathing down her neck and decided to marry him." I hummed in response.

"So, have you two ever-" I gestured with my hands. Her eyes went wide.

"Oh no, god no. We have been friends for over fifteen years now. We are practically sisters." I nodded my head. "Plus I'm team penis." I didn't say nor do any type of movement when she said this. I guess she noticed this and was getting ready to question me on it but her phone rang. We said goodbye and I watched as she left.

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