ch 3

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"Guys it's time to bid on our newest isekie story. Who wants to be the author. Start the bids. I want to hear the jingling of gold coin."

"I bid 2k"some NPC shouted

"Is that it ?"

"I bid 5k" another one

This went on for a while
"Aaaaannnnddddd going once for 20k, going twice anndddddd sold."
As soon as the pouch of gold came into my hands my desire overwhelmed me
"Mmyyyyyyyyy preciousssss" I said while looking at the pouch with crazed lunatic eyes

Haaaahhhhh that was fun.

I dragged the NPC who bought the book and asked him a list of question.

"Tell me the world and name of the protagonist I need to hit and run, the world you want to put them in, and lastly what kind of isekie should it be."

Time skip
On the mission
"Muhahhahahahhahahaha. I am coming for you protagonist. Muhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahahahaahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhah."

"F*ck I killed the wrong dude. Bro how tf didn't you see me. It's a f*cking red light for pedestrian. "

The NPC : " the truck talked , the truck talked. The doomsday is upon us."

"I killed some crazy lunatic, didn't I?" *Sigh*

Full speed
"Muhahahhahahahah I am coming for you protagonist.muhahahahhahahahhahHahahha.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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