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Seonghwa's Pov

When I was little, I never thought I would be where I was in life

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When I was little, I never thought I would be where I was in life. It was never my dream but, it has become my life. It's crazy because you would think something tragic was what lead me here but, quite the opposite actually.

I've had a pretty privileged life. Wealthy parents, great friends and family who loved me. A college degree in medicine. I had so much going for me but, this is the path I chose. Maybe it was the excitement.The feeling I got from being desired. Either way, I enjoyed it.

One misconception that came when I told people what I did for a living was that I was a whore. I wasn't. Neither was I a prostitute. I was an escort with an elite clientele. I didn't just sleep with anyone that had spare change. Besides not all my clients wanted sex. Some just wanted company. They were all different.

Each one hired me because I was able to provide a service they couldn't receive on their own. One thing about us humans is we needed to be around others. We needed attention or we would cease to thrive and I gave that.

"Are you just going to sit there and read or actually engage in conversation?" Lee Know asked annoyed.

"Well when you start talking about something worth me having an opinion on then I will share" I chuckled closing the book and setting it to the side.

"You don't even practice medicine so, why are you reading about it?" he grumbled drinking some of his iced americano.

"Cause I like to stay up to date besides, I may practice later on" I replied shrugging.

"Waste of a degree" he scoffed.

"You sound like my parents" I said rolling my eyes.

"I mean they're right. What was the point of all those years in school if you weren't going to use the degree? Don't get mad, I'm your friend so, I must speak the truth" Lee know hummed shrugging.

"I'll probably use it eventually but, I have my whole life to be a doctor. I like what I'm doing now" I explained.

"Okay. So how are your 'clients'?" he questioned using air quotes.

"Satisfied" I whispered smiling.

"Eww. Disgusting" Lee know said gagging while I just laughed.

People in the cafe were staring at us trying to figure out what we were talking about that could of caused such a reaction. While he was trying to gather his thoughts, my phone buzzed. Looking at the number, I grinned before shooting a quick reply.

"I'll talk to you later" I mumbled standing up.

"One of them must of called" Lee know scoffed smirking.

Smiling, I grabbed my stuff and threw money down on table for the bill. I waved goodbye as I left and headed down the street toward my apartment. Luckily, I didn't live very far from this location.

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