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Seonghwa's Pov

"You should stay one of these days" San whispered as he continued to kiss along the back of my shoulder blades

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"You should stay one of these days" San whispered as he continued to kiss along the back of my shoulder blades.

"Mmm that's not how this works" I murmured bending over to pick up my shirt. When I rose back up his arms were around my waist pulling me closer.

"I hate it when you leave" he confessed.

"Well, you are not the only client I have," I said stepping out of his touch.

Ignoring the sour look that came onto his face, I pulled my shirt over my head. It was quiet as I walked along the office gathering the rest of my clothes. The whole time he stood there leaning against his desk watching me. San was still shirtless only having his dress pants on. The many love bites I left were on display for all to see.

"I'm not jealous. It is just something about you. You like a light that I always want to have shining around me" he spoke causing me to stop and look at him. He seemed troubled and that bothered me cause all my clients should be happy when I leave.

"I'm not going anywhere soon. Not when the sex is that good" I hummed walking over toward him. After kissing his cheek, I finished fixing my clothes and left the office.

On my way out, I passed Alice's desk. She offered me a kind smile as her whole face blushed red. I knew she was more embarrassed about what she stumbled upon earlier than I was. To me it was just sex and besides who doesn't like an audience every once and a while?

Leaving the building, I made my way home. After I showered, I grabbed one of my medical books and snuggled under a blanket on the couch. I had another appointment today but, it wasn't until later tonight which meant I could relax a little bit. Halfway through the chapter, my phone started ringing.

"Fuck" I cursed when I looked at the caller Id.

"Hello mother" I mumbled answering.

"Seonghwa, how are you doing honey?" she hummed sweetly but, I knew this was all an act. She would spout her judgment soon.

"Great. I'm actually in the middle of reading" I muttered hoping she would catch the hint that I didn't want to talk.

"That's nice dear. I still don't understand why you insist on reading those textbooks if you're not going to use the diploma. Spent all that time in medical school for nothing" she muttered.

"Mom don't start" I interjected.

Start what? I was just suggesting that you begin your career" she hummed.

"I will but, for right now I have a job" I sighed.

"Selling your body isn't a job Seonghwa! It's a disgrace to your father and me. All of your other siblings went to college and now have successful careers and families. You're the only one that seems to have strayed off the path" my mother cursed.

"You say this all the time. You may not approve but, it is what I've chosen to do" I replied.

"Fine. Let's discuss this later. The real reason I called is that we are holding a dinner at the house for your sister. She just received a promotion and hopefully maybe a ring" she gushed.

"So you're trying to trick her boyfriend into proposing?" I asked cause that was something she would try to do.

"No, I am simply providing the opportunity. It's up to him if he would like to take it. That way we can celebrate as a family" she replied.

"Okay, Mother. Well, I have to go, I have an appointment. See you at the dinner" I spoke.

"Appointment?" she said in disgust.

"Goodbye," I breathed before ending the call.

My mother had made her distaste for my job very clear. I would have never told her about it if she hadn't been haggling with me over entering the medical field. She was a lot at times but, I know most of her antics were out of love.

She wanted me to follow a specific path but, I wasn't like my siblings. I would choose that path eventually but, right now I wanted to be free and do what I wanted. I didn't plan on being an escort for long but, at the moment there was nothing else I wanted to do.

Placing my book and phone on my coffee table, I headed to my bedroom to get dressed. I had to get ready for my next client so, I quickly changed into a pair of sweats and a T-shirt. After cleaning my face, I grabbed my keys, and phone and left. This client lived a little more downtown than I did.

When I arrived at his apartment, I put in the code and was soon buzzed in. This was the second client I had ever taken on. San was my first. I had four in total so, contrary to my mother's beliefs, I wasn't out here just whoring myself out. As I came upon the door, I knocked.

"Hey beautiful" Hongjoong breathed answering.

"You got started without me" I whined bringing my hand up to wipe away the splatters of blue paint on his cheek

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"You got started without me" I whined bringing my hand up to wipe away the splatters of blue paint on his cheek. He was shirtless only wearing his favorite pair of painting jeans.

"Sorry but, I can't truly get started unless I have my muse" he responded smiling and before I could respond, I was being pulled into his apartment.

So Hongjoong is client number 2. I haven't decided if I wanna stick to just Ateez members or branch out to other groups. Idk. Anyways hope you guys like the story...see ya next chapter.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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