Uki x Male!Reader [Angst+Fluff]

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In their past lives, Uki and Y/n are lovers. They live happily. Unfortunately, they got into an accident. Both of them died in each other's arms. What if God gives them a second chance to be together again? They're most likely soulmates, after all.

TW - Mentions of blood


"I'm scared, Y/n..." said Uki softly.

"I'm here for you, darling. If we die, we die together, okay?" Y/n assured him.

They tighten their hugs as both of them bleed out. It began to drizzle.

"Uki," Y/n called, "if God gives us a second chance to live, try to find me, alright?"

"Of course, I will," Uki said. He feels light-headed, and his eyesight blurs out. "I love you, Y/n," Uki muttered for the last time. He closes his eyes, and his body becomes cold. He fell into a bottomless, never-ending slumber.

Y/n observes his lover softly. "I love you more, Uki," he mumbled. It wasn't long until Y/n fell asleep, too. Their body curled up in each other's warmth. They soak in each other's blood and rainwater. 


Uki is currently walking home. The sky starts to turn cloudy as he walks. It drizzles, then it becomes heavy rain. He looks around for shelter and finds a cafe just near him. The bell above him rings as he opens the door. 

A man peeks from the kitchen. "You're soaking! Wait a minute," he runs back to the kitchen to grab something. He walks out with a towel in his hand. "Here," he gives it to Uki, "I'll make a warm tea for you. Or do you want something else instead?"

"A tea would be nice," said Uki. He sits down on a chair after he dries himself. 

The guy comes back with a cup of tea in his hand. He places the cup in front of Uki. "You don't need to pay for that one," he said.

Uki smiled at him. The man heads back, but Uki called. "Hey, uh, you look and sound familiar. What's your name?"

"The name's Y/n. What about you?" He asked back. The name rings in Uki's head, giving him deja vu.

"Y/n? That's you?!" Uki exclaimed. He gets up and launches himself to Y/n. "I found you..."

Y/n became speechless. "Uki?" He muttered. Uki nods. Both of them cry while hugging each other. "You found me..." They both stay in that position, enjoying each other's warmth. It feels like they're back home. 

The rain calms down, and it comes to an end. Uki and Y/n exchanged numbers before Uki decided to leave. They both promised to meet again someday.

That night, Uki decided to facetime Y/n. He wants to tell him everything that happened to him. He's also interested in Y/n's perspective. They both chat with each other as if there'll be no tomorrow. Uki fell asleep first while they were on the call. Y/n admire Uki's feature for a bit and hang up.


569 words

Sorry for the short chapter! I'm in class rn and I'm bored. I don't think I'll use Mandarin in the future. My friend and I talked about this before. It would be pretty cool to have a Japanese class, but can you imagine how overwhelming that would be?

anygays, here's a puppy pic I promised you guys~

anygays, here's a puppy pic I promised you guys~

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art by @SevenforVtubers on Twitter!

It's the only pic that's close enough to a puppy in my galleryT^T

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