Chapter 05

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Pre-Arc 01


" Believe in yourself . Become the person with whom you would be happy to live your whole life with "


Two years have passed since Mikazuki had started her formation to become the actress and singer her mother wants her to be , she is happy with it and is more than glad to have her parents support .

Today is the usual , getting up early , eating breakfast at hakase's house , going to the assined class , then going back home to eat lunch and finish her day either playing with Agasa or reading at her father's library , then eating dinner then going to bed .

But , starting from tomorrow , a New routine will take place in her life ..

You guessed it ! Tomorrow is her first day in pre-school , her parents , having seeing how much of a smarty she is , decided to make her skip the first two classes and directly made her in the Sakura class .

Saying she wasn't excited would be a lie , and saying she is all confident would also be a lie ... she was nervous .

She made herself a promise , she knew she could rise in academics ranks without a problem for her because of her past knowledge , but she wasn't as sure with the social relationships ..

But all in all , she will make friends for sure , she isn't the type to give up before even trying !

That's why she is currently setting her new alarm clock to wake up a bit later than usual , since classes starts at 8 a.m she doesn't have to wake up at 6 a.m to get ready , so instead she changed the setting to 6:30 a.m .

She laid down in her bed and hugged her stuffed animal plushie that her sensei bought her for her third birthday , it was a purple and white kitten .

' Tomorrow is gonna be a big day , I have to sleep well so I can have the needed energy to make friends ! '

And with that last though , she fell inside her dreamland .


The next day arrived by a blur as Mikazuki found herself wearing the blue kindergarten uniform with her Sakura petals pin held on her right side of her chest .

" Lady Mikazuki , are you ready ? " Asked a handsome gentleman that was in his late twenty's . He was wearing a formal suit that was for the purpose of work .

" Hai , Sukochi-san " answered Mikazuki with a bright smile that reflected her happiness and excitement .

For those who doesn't know who this man is , Sukochi Kakeru is Mikazuki's personal body guard and driver ( and bulter ) .

After her third birthday , Yusaku had noticed that Agasa couldn't always take care of his daughter and now that he is way more busier than before with his new novel , he decided to give one of his most trusted friends the responsibility to take care of his daughter while he is gone .

Yukiko , with a bright smile , had agreed to this seemingly relieved for their daughter .

Mikazuki on the other hand , couldn't help but have a small mistrust over the man , but after reading his mind for a few times she learnt that the man was originally a police man but was fired because of some colleagues corruption and jealousy, and since his family is originally poor , he didn't know another source of getting food for his children .

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