Cale Henituse as Duke Boleoti's Son

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Waking up in another world not his own shouldn't be a norm for Cale. It shouldn't, but wake up he does. He wants to shout out his grievances and curse those meddlesome Gods and their inability to mind their own fucking business, but he is currently a baby with no vocal control to do such things. Because he just knows the God of Death has something to do with this.

He'll normally think of his current situation as rebirth, just the natural progression of things. But the fact that he abruptly remembers his past life as Kim Rok Soo/Cale Henituse the moment he turned one year old, proves that transmigration is at work again and all the confirmation he needs that the stupid god is responsible for his predicament.

Fate also likes messing with him apparently, because he's an orphan again but unlike his first life with an abusive uncle- he's stuck in an abusive orphanage instead.

Stupid fucking gods.


On one hand, being aware as a baby is great. Cale can sleep all day fulfilling his slacker dream and with just a cry from him, some rare caring caretakers know when to feed and change him.

(He's not embarrassed about being breastfed and having strangers change his diapers. He's a baby dependent on adults to survive. Potential embarrassment will get him nowhere.)

On another? It pisses him off because these rare caring caretakers talk and apparently, the head and the other adults in the orphanage where Cale is in are utter bastards worse than the white shit.

He doesn't like kids, they're energetic and drain his energy like no other (his kids and the wolf children back home are the sole exceptions), but he won't turn a blind eye when such deplorable acts are occurring right in front of him. Another shitty thing is, he can't do anything about it as a mere baby.

So, Cale put his slacker dream on hold and secretly works hard to practise his motor control and his vocabulary. It's easy because he still has his Record but it proved long going because Record and a baby body don't exactly mesh well together. He can only use it for a limited amount of time and rely on learning manually.

Now, he just has to wait until he's grown up enough to smack those bastards in the back.


Cale was pretty sure it was transmigration that put him here but standing in front of a mirror and looking at the exact copy of Cale Henituse... It might be similar to Choi Han when he got here on his own body and then simply regressed to an infant.

However, he can't really believe that theory. For one, Kim Roksu and Cale Barrow from two different worlds had the same face. The only difference is their hair colour. This body might as well just be a counterpart to Cale Henituse. Two, Cale Henituse had a tiny birthmark on his ankle. This body has none.

Most likely not transmigration, then.


At first, Cale didn't think it will be easy ruining some assholes' lives, considering his strong children aren't with him and he's still not capable of using magic (this world has it as well, figures). He knows Record is with him, so factually speaking, his other abilities should be as well but he knows enough not to use them as a baby. He only tries tapping into them when he thinks he can handle the dreadful drawbacks of his Ancient Powers.

Of course, like all unfortunate things to happen, even in another world, he's still stuck with a weak body. He mistakenly uses his strong kids back home in Rowoon as a measuring device, so when he tries tapping into them now that he's turned five, they feel muted. Maybe in regards to himself, he shouldn't have. His children back home are too overpowered to even use as a measurement.

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